Key Feature definition
Examples of Key Feature in a sentence
The short and long-term objectives are stated and any management necessary to maintain and improve the Key Feature.
Save for an amendment pursuant to Rule 8.5, an amendment to a Key Feature of the Plan shall not have effect at a time when the Plan is approved by HM Revenue & Customs, until the amendment has been approved by HM Revenue & Customs under Schedule 3.
By signing this DecIaration it is confirmation that I/we accept the ARIA IP Terms and Conditions, Fee ScheduIe, Key Feature Document(s), Best Execution PoIicy and Conflict of Interest PoIicy.
Information About Encrypted Preshared Key• Using the Encrypted Preshared Key Feature to Securely Store Passwords, page 52• Enabling the Encrypted Preshared Key, page 53 Using the Encrypted Preshared Key Feature to Securely Store PasswordsUsing the Encrypted Preshared Key feature, you can securely store plain text passwords in type 6 format in NVRAM using a command-line interface (CLI).
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners’ (RACGP) Fellowship exams consist of three exam segments:• Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) – multiple choice test conducted online• Key Feature Problems (KFP) – multiple choice and short answer test conducted online• Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE) – a series of 14 clinical cases conducted with examiners and role players.The RACGP Fellowship exams assess a candidate’s competency for unsupervised general practice anywhere in Australia.