Key Routes definition
Examples of Key Routes in a sentence
The Combined Authority considered a report of the Executive Director for Place and the Deputy Portfolio Holder for Transport & Air Quality that provided an update on the ongoing delivery of the Highways Maintenance / Non-Highways Maintenance and Key Routes Network (KRN) programmes that formed part of the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS).
FiguresFigure 5.1: Bus Priority within Greater Nottingham 134Figure 5.2: Urban Centre and Key Routes160TablesTable 5.1: Key Supply and Demand Policies 130Table 5.2: Bus Strategy Interventions132Table 5.3: Cycling Strategy Interventions137Table 5.4: Implementation of Smarter Choices138Table 5.5: Areas of Investment and Links with Tackling Congestion156Table 5.6: Provisional Baseline Congestion Data - Key Routes Autumn 2005158 5.1 BackgroundCongestion has become an everyday part of most people’s lives.
Highly traveled and congested corridors should be the focus of studies (see 7.2.3 Time- of-Day Congestion is Increasingly Along Key Routes) to identify current and likely future congestion bottlenecks and safety challenges, then define staged improvement plansand serve as the basis for seeking funding to implement solutions.
The Key Routes and Type 1 Adjustments for 2020 and 2021 were agreed at the steering group meeting on 24th August 2021.
Existing and 2030 No-Build Travel Times along Key Routes 21Table 4-1.
Service Firms Must Address,” Journal of Marketing Theoryand Practice, 18 (3), pp 295–303 [online] available at: Delight_This_is_the_Question_Service_Firms_Must_Address (accessed on: 11.10.2019) Barnes, D.C; Ponder, N.P & Dugar, K (2011): “Investigating the Key Routes to Customer Delight”, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 19 (4), pp.
These Engineering Recommendations do not include development of detailed recommendations for each intersection along the Key Routes.
The Parties shall discuss and consider potential expansion of the Key Routes within the Exclusive Territory consistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement (“Key Route Expansion”) and negotiate in good faith the terms of any such Key Route Expansion, which may include amendments to this Agreement or the entry into separate Contracts between the Parties or their Affiliates.
Boys expressed a preference for in-person interaction with buyers.
Improvements on the four Key Routes in the Study Area- the 15, 22, 23, 28- are scheduled to be implemented by the end of 2013 (See for project updates).