Airports definition
Examples of Airports in a sentence
Elantis’ support clients include Winchester District Memorial Hospital, the Alberta Pensions Services Corporation, the Winnipeg Airports Authority, and the City of Coquitlam, among many others.
Aviation reserves the right to review and adjust the Rent as described in Oregon Administrative Rules, Chapter 738, Division 10, Schedule of Rates and Fees for State-Owner Airports for a non-commercial site lease.
The Airport reserves the right to inspect the Leased Premises, equipment, and services at any reasonable time and with reasonable notice for the purpose of assuring compliance with this lease, public safety or welfare, or the Airport's general rights and duties as lessor.
The Airport's storm water discharge permit is incorporated by reference into this Lease and any subsequent renewals.
Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Lease, Airport agrees to indemnify and hold Tenant harmless from any and all claims, demands, costs (including attorneys fees), fees, fines, penalties, charges and demands by and liability directly or indirectly arising from Airport's actions or omissions, for failure to comply with Airport's obligations under the applicable storm water regulations and storm water discharge permit, unless the result of Tenant's sole negligence, acts, or omissions.