Kraft pulp mill definition

Kraft pulp mill means any facility that produces pulp from wood by cooking (digesting) wood chips in a water solution of sodium hydroxide and sodium sulfide (white liquor) at high temperature and pressure. Regeneration of cooking chemicals through a recovery process is also considered part of the kraft pulp mill.
Kraft pulp mill means any stationary source which produces pulp from wood by cooking or digesting wood chips in a water solution of sodium hydroxide and sodium sulfide at high temperature and pressure. Regeneration of the cooking chemicals through a recovery process is also considered part of the kraft pulp mill.
Kraft pulp mill means any facility that produces pulp from wood by cooking (digesting) wood

Examples of Kraft pulp mill in a sentence

  • The final Kappa number of the unbleached pulp varied between 15 and 19 because it proved difficult to hit the target kappa number 17 exactly.3.2.5 Effective Pulp Yield Rejects in a Kraft pulp mill are often re-pulped to recover additional wood pulp.

  • In the process, extracted woodchips serve as the feed to the conventional Kraft pulp mill, while the extracted liquor undergoes concentration by evaporation or ultra-filtration, hydrolysis using sulfuric acid, separation of lignin, acetic acid recovery, neutralization of acids using lime, separation of precipitated calcium sulfate, fermentation into ethanol or other bio- fuels such as butanol, and lastly alcohol recovery by distillation and product purification.

  • Yun, G.-Y., Ikehata, K., and Buchanan, I.D. (2002) Colour and chloride removal from Kraft pulp mill effluent using ion exchange.

  • The holder of the licenses is not required to conduct any bottling or production at the additional licensed locations but may conduct all activities permitted by this section at the additional licensed locations.[PL 2011, c.

  • However, an individual boiler smaller than 250 million BTU/hr should be subject to BART if it is an integral part of a process description at a plant that is in a different BART category—for example, a boiler at a Kraft pulp mill that, in additionto providing steam or mechanical power, uses the waste liquor from the process as a fuel.

  • If during the period May 1 through September 30 of any year the NOx emission limit in §A(2)(a) of this regulation is exceeded, the owner or operator of a Kraft pulp mill shall acquire one NOx ozone season allowance (as that term is defined at COMAR for each ton or partial ton of NOx emissions in excess of the limit in §A(2)(a) of this regulation.

  • In comparison, the total production of raw tall oil is 230 k tonnes per year in Sweden and varies according to the Kraft pulp mill production (Interview Nyström, 2009).

  • Our clinic has received requests to investigate or file lawsuits against a yeast manufacturing company, a Kraft pulp mill, a steel foundry, and a large construction project disturbing naturally occurring asbestos-laden rocks.

  • Therefor a more detailed classification for each play- pod was performed which resulted in a better understanding of the different types of side effects that was supposed to be implemented.

  • Pursuant to the NOX SIP Call at COMAR 26.11.29 and.30, the sole Kraft pulp mill in Marylandwas allocated 947 allowances for NOX emissions.

More Definitions of Kraft pulp mill

Kraft pulp mill means any facility that produces pulp from wood by “cooking”, industry term for
Kraft pulp mill means a wood pulping mill which uses an alkaline sulfide solution containing sodium hydroxide and sodium sulfide (white liquor) in the wood digesting process.
Kraft pulp mill means a group of installations which use an alkaline sulfide solution containing sodium hydroxide and sodium sulfide for a cooking liquor in its wood pulping process.
Kraft pulp mill means any sta- tionary source which produces pulp from wood by cooking (digesting) wood chips in a water solution of sodium hy- droxide and sodium sulfide (white liq- uor) at high temperature and pressure. Regeneration of the cooking chemicals through a recovery process is also con- sidered part of the kraft pulp mill.

Related to Kraft pulp mill

  • Alternative Diesel Fuel means any fuel used in a CI engine that is not commonly or commercially known, sold, or represented by the supplier as diesel fuel No. 1-D or No. 2-D, pursuant to the specifications in ASTM D975-81, “Standard Specification for Diesel Fuel Oils,” as modified in May 1982, which is incorporated herein by reference, or an alternative fuel, and does not require engine or fuel system modifications for the engine to operate, although minor modifications (e.g., recalibration of the engine fuel control) may enhance performance. Examples of alternative diesel fuels include, but are not limited to, biodiesel that does not meet the definition of CARB diesel fuel; Fischer-Tropsch fuels; emulsions of water in diesel fuel; and fuels with a fuel additive, unless:

  • Dayworks means Work inputs subject to payment on a time basis for labour and the associated materials and plant.

  • COVID-19 means SARS-CoV-2 or COVID-19, and any evolutions or mutations thereof or related or associated epidemics, pandemic or disease outbreaks.

  • Nitrogen oxides means nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide, expressed as nitrogen dioxide (NO2);

  • MFMA means the Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 56 of 2003;