SRS definition

SRS means the scheme referred to by the Ministry of Finance as the Supplementary Retirement Scheme or such other scheme as shall replace or supersede the Supplementary Retirement Scheme from time to time.
SRS means the Shared Registration System, a system that the Registry Operator provides to the Registrar Community via a defined protocol (EPP) for registry-registrar interaction. Specifically, it refers to the ability of ICANN-Accredited Registrars to add, modify, and delete (create, update and delete) information associated with registered domain names and associated DNS Name Servers.
SRS means Supplementary Regulations that a promoter or organiser of a competition is obliged to issue.

Examples of SRS in a sentence

  • Zone files will include SRS data committed as close as possible to 00:00:00 UTC.

  • Parents who choose not to participate in the SRS are responsible for providing their student with all items that would otherwise be provided by the SRS to enable their student to engage with the curriculum.

  • ODM contracts with a vendor to serve as the investigative entity and provider oversight vendor for ODM with respect to the investigation of incidents and to conduct provider oversight activities for certain Ohio Medicaid waiver and Specialized Recovery Services (SRS) program enrollees.

  • The MCOP shall report and address all incidents for MyCare Ohio waiver and SRS program members in accordance with OAC rule 5160-44- 05 via entry into the ODM Incident Management System.

  • On agreeing to participate in the SRS schemes, a parent agrees to pay the participation fee as advised and invoiced by the school.

More Definitions of SRS

SRS means site risk survey.
SRS means the scheme referred to as the Supplementary Retirement Scheme or such other scheme as may replace or supercede the Supplementary Retirement Scheme.
SRS means Storm Relief Sewer;
SRS means the Supplementary Retirement Scheme or such other scheme as may replace or supersede the Supplementary Retirement Scheme.
SRS means the Savannah River Site. SRS employees may work or may have worked for SRR, the Department of Energy and other contractors.