Biogas definition

Biogas means gaseous fuels produced from biomass;
Biogas means gas that is produced from the breakdown of organic material in the absence of oxygen. Biogas is produced in processes including anaerobic digestion, anaerobic decomposition, and thermochemical decomposition. These processes are applied to biodegradable biomass materials, such as manure, sewage, municipal solid waste, green waste, and waste from energy crops, to produce landfill gas, digester gas, and other forms of biogas.
Biogas means a gas created when organic matter like crop residues, sewage and manure breaks down in an oxygen-free environment (ferments);

Examples of Biogas in a sentence

  • Title to Biogas delivered to Company by Customer pursuant to this Agreement shall remain with Customer at all times, regardless of control or possession.

  • Throughout the Term, Customer shall provide Biogas meeting the Renewable Gas Specification to Company at the Injection Receipt Point.

  • For certainty, any purchase of the Biogas by Company from Customer will be the subject of a separate agreement between the Parties.

  • The Connection and Use of Connection Agreement for Biogas Plants, to be entered into by Network Operators and relevant Connection Customers and/or Connection Users, as amended with effect from 1 October 2012, may only be applied to connections in respect of which, effective 1 October 2012, a contract offer is required to be submitted under sentence 3 of section 33(6) of the Access Regulations.

  • Upon request by Company, Customer shall provide to Company a declaration (in a form acceptable to Company) that the Biogas provided at the Injection Receipt Point is derived from biomass for the purposes of any Company reporting requirements.

More Definitions of Biogas

Biogas means a mixture of gases composed primarily of methane and carbon dioxide.
Biogas means biogas as defined in Article 2, point (28), of Directive (EU) 2018/2001;
Biogas means gas that is produced from the anaerobic decomposition of organic material. The gas is a mixture of methane, carbon dioxide, and other constituents, and must be conditioned into Biomethane prior to receipt into the Dominion Energy Utah system.
Biogas means gas, consisting primarily of methane and carbon dioxide, produced by the anaerobic decomposition of organic matter. Biogas cannot be directly injected into natural gas pipelines or combusted in most natural gas-fueled vehicles unless first upgraded to biomethane.
Biogas means a biofuel that is a gas.
Biogas means a gas resulting from the decomposition of organic matter under anaerobic conditions. The principle constituents are methane and carbon dioxide.
Biogas includes digester gas, landfill gas, and any gas derived from a feedstock eligible under the CEC’s Renewables Portfolio Standard.