Kraftnät Åland definition
Examples of Kraftnät Åland in a sentence
The determination of LFC blocks as established in this proposal shall be considered as the proposal from all TSOs of the Nordic SA complying with Article 2(2) of the SO Regulation in accordance with Article 141(2) of the SO Regulation.The Nordic SA covers transmission systems of East-Denmark (DK2), Finland, Sweden and Norway.This Proposal has been developed by Energinet, Fingrid Oyj, Kraftnät Åland AB, Svenska kraftnät and Statnett SF.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the formal establishment of the RCC covering the Nordic SOR (as further described below) and participation therein by each of Svenska kraftnät, Energinet, Fingrid and Kraftnät Åland may be subject to approval by relevant national authorities once all relevant details of the RCC covering the Nordic SOR are final.
Kraftnät Åland (TSO operating in Åland) built an interconnection between Åland and continental Finland in 2015 with capacity of 100 MW.
Currently other TSOs of the Nordic synchronous area – Statnett and Kraftnät Åland – are not included in CCR Nordic.
This document is intended to constitute the basis on which all NRAs will each subsequently make national decisions pursuant to Regulation 2017/1485 Article 6(1) to approve the Nordic limits for the exchange of FCR between the TSOs Proposal submitted by the TSOs. The TSOs are Fingrid Oyj, Svenska kraftnät, Energinet, Kraftnät Åland AB and Statnett SF.
While being a part of the Nordic Balancing Model, Kraftnät Åland does not employ mFRR resources and does not take active part in the trilateral mFRR capacity market.
Det xxxxxx xx Det Godkendte Forslag, at RCC’en skal xxxxxxxx i Danmark (punkt 3.1.1) med Energinet, Fingrid, Kraftnät Åland, Statnett, Svenska kraftnät som deltagende TSOer (punkt 3.2.1.).
Svenska kraftnät, Fingrid og Kraftnät Åland, har sammen Statnett anmeldt et forslag til oprettelse af en RCC for den 1 Regionerne blev oprindeligt fastlagt af ACER ved afgørelse 10/20 af 6.
It can be assumed that the interests of the fish farming companies are to continue their operations without disruptions from wind power.Lastly, there are also relevant economic actors in the energy sector, including the TSO Kraftnät Åland and the DSOs Ålands Elandelslag and Mariehamns Energi for Åland, Svenska Kraftnät for Sweden, and Fingrid in mainland Finland.
Kraftnät Åland is linked to Fingrid and the mainland of Finland through the “HVDC submarine cable connection ÅLlink” owned by Kraftnät Åland and linked to Svenska kraftnät through DSO Vattenfall´s regional network and AC submarine cable owned by Kraftnät Åland.