AIG definition
Examples of AIG in a sentence
Here, the Ada array variable CFG AIG POS DEFAUT is the realisation of the B constant cfg aig pos defaut i, and it is initialised with a concrete value: CFG_AIG_POS_DEFAUT : constant T_CFG_AIG_POS_DEFAUT := T_CFG_AIG_POS_DEFAUT’(AIG_YE5 => AIG_ACS_DIRECT, AIG_YW5 => AIG_ACS_DIRECT, others => AIG_ACS_DECONTROLE) The array is initialised with the default value AIG ACS DECONTROLE, except at positions AIG YE5 and AIG YW5.
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Observe that it uses the B override operator to translate the Ada construct with the default “others” keyword: PROPERTIES cfg_aig_pos_defaut_i = (T_NB_AIG_PAR_ACS ) * {AIG_ACS_DECONTROLE} <+ { AIG_YE5 |-> AIG_ACS_DIRECT, AIG_YW5 |-> AIG_ACS_DIRECT } ASSERTIONS cfg_aig_pos_defaut_i : t_nb_aig_par_acs --> t_etat_aig As a side note, the values of the integer variables AIG YE5, AIG YE5, ...