Land treatment definition

Land treatment means a technology for the intimate mixing or dispersion of wastes into the upper zone of the plant-soil system with the objective of microbial stabilization, immobilization, selective dispersion, or crop recovery leading to an environmentally acceptable assimilation of the waste.
Land treatment means the practice of applying dangerous waste onto or incorporating dangerous waste into the soil surface so that it will degrade or decompose. If the waste will remain after the facility is closed, this practice is disposal.
Land treatment means the controlled application of solid waste, excluding application of animal manure, into the surface soil to alter the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the waste.

Examples of Land treatment in a sentence

  • Land treatment, including biodegradation of liquid or sludge discards in soils.

  • R10 Land treatment resulting in benefit to agriculture or ecological improvement.

  • Land treatment resulting in benefit to agriculture or ecological improvement.

  • Land treatment is a disposal method in which a waste containing an EPCRA Section 313 chemical or chemical category is applied to or incorporated into soil.

  • Land treatment practices will reduce loss of water and nutrients to the stream system, thereby reducing stream enrichment and conserving the nutrients for plant production.Fish and wildlife habitats may be temporarily disturbed in some part of the 2,650 acres of cropland and grassland during installation of land treatment practices, but they will be restored to at least their previous value within one growing season.

More Definitions of Land treatment

Land treatment means any discharge of pollutant-containing waters being applied to the land for the purpose of treatment.
Land treatment means a structure or conservation practice that shall constitute a viable method of erosion abatement or sediment and pollution control.
Land treatment means the application of waste onto the soil surface or into the soil surface through incorporation. This term does not include the placement of waste in a landfill cell.
Land treatment means structures or conservation practices that constitute viable methods of erosion abatement or sediment and pollution control.
Land treatment means the practice of applying ash waste onto or incorporating into the soil surface. If the waste will remain after the facility is closed, this practice is disposal.
Land treatment means the application of waste onto or incorporation of waste into the soil surface. For the purposes of this Part a land application unit is a land treatment unit.
Land treatment means the controlled application of pretreated, domestic wastewater onto land surface to achieve a designed degree of treatment through natural, physical, chemical, and biological processes within the plant-soil-water matrix. Land treatment includes spray irrigation, rapid infiltration, and overland flow systems.