Land application unit definition
Land application unit means an area where wastes are applied onto or incorporated into the soil surface (excluding manure spreading operations) for treatment or disposal.
Land application unit means an area where wastes are agronomically spread over or disked into land or otherwise applied so as to become incorporated into the soil surface. For the purposes of this Part and 35 Ill. Adm. Code 811 through 815, a land application unit is not a landfill; however, other Parts of 35 Ill. Adm. Code: Chapter I may apply, and may include the permitting requirements of 35 Ill. Adm. Code 309.
Land application unit means an area where solid or liquid wastes are applied onto or incorporated into the soil surface (excluding manure spreading operations) for agricultural purposes or for treatment or disposal.
More Definitions of Land application unit
Land application unit means a disposal site where sludges or other solid wastes are applied onto or incorporated into the soil surface for agricultural purposes or for treatment and disposal.
Land application unit means an area where wastes are agronomically spread over or disked into land or otherwise applied so as to become incorporated into the soil surface.
Land application unit means an area where wastes are applied onto or incorporated into the soil surface for agricultural purposes or for treatment and disposal. The term does not include manure spreading operations.
Land application unit means an area where wastes are applied
Land application unit means an area where wastes are applied onto or incorporated into the soil surface (excluding manure spreading operations) for agricultural purposes or for treatment and disposal. The definition does not include manure spreading operations.
Land application unit means an area where wastes are agronomically spread over or disked into land or otherwise applied so as to become incorporated into the soil surface. For the purposes of this Part,
Land application unit means an area where wastes