Examples of Conservation practice in a sentence
Apply conceptual understanding of conservation biology to case studies and research design.KU2 (Conservation practice).
Conservation practice (unit)CodePollinator notesAlley Cropping (acre)311Can include native trees, shrubs and vines (e.g., black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), Rubus spp., etc.) or row covers (e.g., various legumes) that provide nectar or pollen.Note: Black locust should be used with care because it is invasive in certain habitats outside of its natural range.Channel Bank Vegetation (acre)322Can include diverse flowering trees, shrubs, vines, and forbs.
Conservation practice of Chinese timber structures: no originality to be changed, or conserve as found.
Conservation practice information rarely targets NOLs, especially NOLs living out-of-state or who do not fit the typical farmer profile, such as women or investors (Petrzelka et al., 2009).Interpersonal or cognitive barriers make up a third category, including communication difficulties between a NOL and their operator stemming from geographic distance, power dynamics, gender, age, or status quo bias.
Conservation practice lifespans are established and maintained in the Conservation Practice Standards Web application.