Publicly owned treatment works definition
Examples of Publicly owned treatment works in a sentence
Percent RemovalFor publicly owned treatment works, the 30-day average percent removal for Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Total Suspended Solids shall not be less than 85 percent in accordance with LAC 33:IX.5905.A.3. andB.3. Publicly owned treatment works utilizing waste stabilization ponds/oxidation ponds are not subject to the 85 percent removal rate for Total Suspended Solids.
Publicly owned treatment works (POTWs) are wastewater treatment systems owned by states, municipalities, or other public entities.
Publicly owned treatment works includes all projects meeting the definition of “treatment works” in the CWA (33 U.
On the other hand, it is remarkable that for typical gravitino and gluino masses in gravity mediated supersymmetry breaking, a reheating temperature TR 1010 GeV yields the right order of magnitude for the dark matter abundance if the gravitino is the LSP.
A.6 (10) "Publicly owned treatment works," or "POTW," means a treatment works owned by a State or a7 municipality and is as defined more fully in 40 CFR 403.3, which is hereby incorporated by8 reference including any subsequent amendments or editions.