Lands Titles Office definition

Lands Titles Office means the Land Title Office as established and described in the

Examples of Lands Titles Office in a sentence

  • The Plan of Consolidation shall be registered with the Lands and Property Information (LPI) (formerly the Lands Titles Office), prior to issue of an Occupation Certificate.

  • The Application was assessed and a permit to subdivide the land was granted by the Development Assessment Committee subject to conditions and advice on the 9th December 2014.Should the Council seek to enact the Permit and subdivide the land, a registered land surveyor must create a new final plan of subdivision for lodgement at the Lands Titles Office to create the new title.

  • The plan is currently awaiting examination by the Lands Titles Office and will be approved for data in due course.

  • A plan showing the relocated monuments will then be required to be lodged as a matter of public record at the Lands Titles Office.

  • In respect of land division documentation, surveyed plans sufficient to satisfy Lands Titles Office procedure should be provided.

  • The Scheme holds collateral over the mortgage loans by a first mortgage registered with the relevant State Lands Titles Office over the security property.

  • The connection in South Australia is that (a) the Lands Titles Office checks the survey plans for data that will form part of the title and (b) does not issue any titles until there is formal consent from the approving authority.

  • Notice of acquisitionThe Commissioner of Highways (the Authority), of 83 Pirie Street, Adelaide SA 5000, acquires the following interests in the following land: Comprising an unencumbered estate in fee simple in that piece of land being portion of Allotment 117 in Filed Plan 214793 comprised in Certificate of Title Volume 5775 Folio 281, and being the whole of the land identified as Allotment 21 in D133668 lodged in the Lands Titles Office.

  • It should be noted that the deposited plan has not yet been allocated a reference number by the Lands Titles Office.

  • Block 404 of Sect 54 Lin From Lands Titles Office re bringing Blk 104 (20 acres) under the R.P. Act.