Lap strap definition

Lap strap means a strap which, either in the form of a complete ECRS belt or in the form of a component of such an ECRS belt passes across the front of, and restrains, directly or not, the child's pelvis.
Lap strap means a strap which, either in the form of a complete belt or in the form of a component of such a belt, passes across the front of, and restrains, the child's pelvic region.
Lap strap means a strap which, either in the form of a complete belt or in the form of a component of such a belt, passes across the front of, and restrains, directly or not, the child's pelvis;

Examples of Lap strap in a sentence

  • Lap strap) là loại dây đeo, có dạng như dây đai hoàn chỉnh hoặc như 1 phần của dây đai, đeo qua phía trước trẻ em tại phần hông.

More Definitions of Lap strap

Lap strap means a strap which restrains, directly or not, the child's pelvis.
Lap strap means a strap which, either in the form of a complete belt or in the form of a component of such a belt passes across the front of, and restrains, directly or not, the child's pelvis." Paragraph 3.2.1. amend to read: 3.2.1. A technical description of the child restraint system … , declaration on toxicity (para. and flammability (para. 6.

Related to Lap strap

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