Examples of PM2.5 in a sentence
The proposed location is in a non-attainment area for the state’s PM10 as well as federal and state PM2.5 thresholds.
The TIP/RTP therefore satisfy the conformity emissions test for PM2.5 and nitrogen oxides.
The modeling results for all analysis years indicate that the on-road vehicle PM2.5 and NOx emissions predicted for the “Build” scenarios are less than the emissions budget.
It refers to the coefficients linking PM10 and PM2.5 with effects on health derived by COMEAP and goes on to say that if these coefficients are applied to small increases in concentrations produced, locally, by incinerators; the estimated effects on health are likely to be small.
There is currently no emission limit prescribed nor any continuous emissions monitor for particulate matter specifically in the PM10 or PM2.5 fraction.