Infrastructure Improvements means a street, road, sidewalk, parking facility, pedestrian mall, alley, bridge, sewer, sewage treatment plant, property designed to reduce, eliminate, or prevent the spread of identified soil or groundwater contamination, drainage system, waterway, waterline, water storage facility, rail line, utility line or pipeline, transit-oriented development, transit-oriented property, or other similar or related structure or improvement, together with necessary easements for the structure or improvement, owned or used by a public agency or functionally connected to similar or supporting property owned or used by a public agency, or designed and dedicated to use by, for the benefit of, or for the protection of the health, welfare, or safety of the public generally, whether or not used by a single business entity, provided that any road, street, or bridge shall be continuously open to public access and that other property shall be located in public easements or rights-of-way and sized to accommodate reasonably foreseeable development of eligible property in adjoining areas. Infrastructure improvements also include 1 or more of the following whether publicly or privately owned or operated or located on public or private property:
Project Improvements means site improvements and facilities that are:
Site Improvements means any construction work on, or improvement to, streets, roads, parking facilities, sidewalks, drainage structures and utilities.
Infrastructure improvement means permanent infrastructure that is essential for the public health and safety or that:
Private Improvements means the improvements to be constructed on the Property that are not Public Improvements.
Substitute Improvements means the substitute or additional improvements of the Issuer described in Article V hereof.
Joint Improvements means Improvements conceived or first reduced to practice jointly by (a) one or more employees of, or others obligated to assign inventions to, ImmunoGen or any Affiliate of ImmunoGen, and (b) one or more employees of, or others obligated to assign inventions to, Novartis or any Affiliate of Novartis.
Minimum Improvements means devoting the Development Property to its intended Use and construction of approximately a square foot parking facility for use as parking for the Developer as identified and set forth in Exhibit C and constructed in accordance with the Construction Plans submitted to and approved by the Authority. After completion of the Minimum Improvements, the term shall mean the Development Property as improved by the Minimum Improvements.
Development Project means a project for the development of land within a
Development Site means any parcel or lot on which exists or which is intended for building development other than the following:
Design flow means the average annual flow or average daily flow specified in an approved facilities plan or approved plans and specifications, the flow specified in a WPDES permit, or the flow required to meet performance standards.
Development Property means a Property currently under development for use as an office or industrial building that has not become a Stabilized Property, or on which the improvements (other than tenant improvements on unoccupied space) related to the development have not been completed, provided that such a Development Property on which all improvements (other than tenant improvements on unoccupied space) related to the development of such Property have been completed for at least twelve (12) months shall cease to constitute a Development Property notwithstanding the fact that such Property has not become a Stabilized Property.
Project Completion means the date, as determined by the Division after consultation with the Recipient, that operation of the Project is initiated or is capable of being initiated, whichever comes first.
The Works/Project means the works to be executed or done under this contract.
drainage work means any watercourse and includes any land which is expected to provide flood storage capacity for any watercourse and any bank, wall, embankment or other structure, or any appliance, constructed or used for land drainage or flood defence;
Improvement Plan means the plan required by the Authority from the Supplier which shall detail how the Supplier will improve the provision of the Goods and/or Services pursuant to Clause 29.1.1 (Authority Remedies);
refurbishment means repairing of used electrical and electronic equipment as listed in Schedule I for extending its working life for its originally intended use and selling the same in the market or returning to owner;
Construction project means the same as that term is defined in Section 38-1a-102.
Developed Land means all Developable Land of the Company and its Restricted Subsidiaries which is undergoing active development or is ready for vertical construction.
Home improvement means the remodeling, altering,
Design Development Documents means the Drawings, Specifications and other documents prepared by the Trade Contractor that establish and describe the size and character of the Trade Contractor Work as to architectural, civil, structural, mechanical and electrical systems, graphics and signage, and other elements, and which include typical construction details, equipment layouts and specifications that identify major materials and systems.
Application Programming Interface or “API” means the application programming interface materials and related documentation containing all data and information to allow skilled Software developers to create Software interfaces that interface or interact with other specified Software.
Development Application means the development application identified in Item 5 of Schedule 1 and includes all plans, reports models, photomontages, material boards (as amended supplemented) submitted to the consent authority before the determination of that Development Application.
Capital Improvement Project means the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, improvement, planning and equipping of roads and bridges, appurtenances to roads and bridges to enhance the safety of animal-drawn vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles, wastewater treatment facilities, water supply systems, solid waste disposal facilities, and storm water and sanitary collection, storage and treatment facilities including real property, interests in real property, facilities, and equipment related or incidental to those facilities.
Home improvement contract means an oral or written
Project Completion Date means the date on which the Completion Certificate is issued;