Examples of Law Council in a sentence
The Law Council also represents the Australian legal profession overseas, and maintains close relationships with legal professional bodies throughout the world.
The Law Council advises governments, courts and federal agencies on ways in which the law and the justice system can be improved for the benefit of the community.
The Directors meet quarterly to set objectives, policy and priorities for the Law Council.
Between the meetings of Directors, policies and governance responsibility for the Law Council is exercised by the elected Executive members, led by the President who normally serves a 12 month term.
The Law Council was established in 1933, and represents 16 Australian State and Territory law societies and bar associations and the Law Firms Australia, which are known collectively as the Council’s Constituent Bodies.
The Law Council is governed by a board of 23 Directors – one from each of the constituent bodies and six elected Executive members.
The Law Council was established in 1933, and represents 16 Australian State and Territory law societies and bar associations and the Law Firms Australia, which are known collectively as the Council’sConstituent Bodies.
As per Iowa’s Open Meetings Law, Council can only listen during public comments and cannot take any action on items that are not posted on the agenda.
The Law Council also represents the Australian legal profession overseas, and maintains close relationships with legal professional bodies throughout the world.The Law Council was established in 1933, and represents 16 Australian State and Territory law societies and bar associations and the Law Firms Australia, which are known collectively as the Council’s Constituent Bodies.
The Law Council was established in 1933, and represents its Constituent Bodies: 16 Australian State and Territory law societies and bar associations, and Law Firms Australia.