Examples of Legal certainty in a sentence
Legal certainty was also used as a reason to shy away from engaging with values and their application to the matters at hand.
Legal certainty as to which law applies to the different relationships created by the assignment is paramount for the smooth running of assignment operations.
Legal certainty includes, but is not limited to, the expiration of any: Applicable limitations on actions; and periods of time for seeking appellate review, up to and including reconsideration by the Washington supreme court and the supreme court of the United States.
Legal certainty will be improved for the benefit of all parties concerned.
Legal certainty is as valuable in a cross-border world as it is within a single jurisdiction.
Legal certainty and predictability for defendants requires that this change of territorial jurisdiction is set out clearly in the text of the Brussels I Regulation.
The same arguments of complexity and practical impossibility for all partners return in this situation.• Legal certainty: the fast variation of applicable (hard core) labour conditions is very confusing and is definitely harming for the legal certainty for all involved actors.
Legal certainty and clarity for the application of the deferral of certain deadlines under the Directive can only be ensured if there is a coordinated approach to the identified problem across Member States.
Legal certainty and robustness enhance the quality of collateral and its enforceability, and thus ultimately lower the capital ratio.
If there is no real assignment to a secondary base or if the duration is too short to make it feasible, there actually is no posting, and so there is no problem with regard to the criterium of feasibility.• Legal certainty: As demonstrated above, the distinction between this situation and a series of flights from-to the home base or highly mobile workers is not always easy to recognise.