Examples of Legal drug in a sentence
Legal drug means both prescribed and over-the-counter drugs which have been legally obtained, and which are being taken in prescribed or recommended quantities for the purpose for which they are prescribed, manufactured or compounded.
Legal drug any prescribed drug or over-the-counter drug that has been legally obtained and is being used for the purpose for which prescribed or manufactured. Medical Review Office is a licensed physician (medical doctor or doctor of osteopathy) responsible for receiving laboratory results generated by an employer's drug testing program.
Examples of illegal drugs are cannabis substances, such as marijuana and hashish, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, phencyclidine (PCP), and so-called designer drugs and look-alike drugs. Legal drug any prescribed drug or over-the-counter drug that has been legally obtained and is being used for the purpose for which prescribed or manufactured.
Legal drug use in a general population: Association with gender, morbidity, health care utilization and lifestyle characteristics.
All addenda issued for this project may be found on the city website.