Examples of Light Touch Regime in a sentence
The "Light Touch Regime" is a specific statutory regime under the Regulations which applies to certain types of services contracts for social, health, healthcare and certain other services, which are listed in Schedule 3 to the Regulations.
The list of services to which the Light Touch Regime applies is set out in Schedule 3 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (Annex A).
Accordingly, the approach to procurement of contracts under the Light Touch Regime may be determined on a case by case basis, provided that, in each instance, the procedure adopted is proportionate and appropriate to the scale and type of procurement process being conducted.
Different procurement procedures apply to procurement of the relevant types of contract covered by the Light Touch Regime, depending on their value.
As part of Procurement Best Practice this should be adopted for all Light Touch Regime Services, including Healthcare services.
Any award of a contract under the Light Touch Regime must be made on the basis of the "most economically advantageous tender" and not based on price alone.
The Procurement is being undertaken in accordance with regulations 74 to 76 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 under "Light Touch Regime" utilising an Open Procedure method.
It follows the same process as the Competitive Procedure with Negotiation For all contracts, except those covered by the Light Touch Regime, one of these procedures must be selected and approved in the Sourcing Strategy by the Procurement Review Group (PRG) and as set out by the Public Contract Regulations.
The Light Touch Regime covers Health, Education and Social Care contracts.
The Light Touch Regime for Health and Social Services type Contracts is explained at Appendix 9 (Procurement Options) and has different threshold levels.