Examples of Like goods in a sentence
Like goods are goods that are identical in all respects to the subject goods exported to Canada, or in their absence, are goods that closely resemble the goods exported to Canada (similar goods).
Like goods manufactured by the Australian industry are produced for various markets within Australia, but not for any particular application or market segment.
Like goods are usually available in stock to fulfil orders, with some products produced on request.Signode Australia distributes its goods from its warehouses located around Australia, either directly to its end-user customers or to third party distributors.
Like goods, the performance of certain services may also be linked to a future contingent event (for instance, the payment for risk services performed for a company may be linked to the share price performance of the company over a certain period).
Like goods are defined in the legislation as:goods that are identical in all respects to the goods under consideration or that, although not alike in all respects to the goods under consideration, have characteristics closely resembling those of the goods under consideration.
Like goods, services are also classified uniformly for recognition, measurement and taxation.
Like goods are defined by section 269T as:goods that are identical in all respects to the goods under consideration or that, although not alike in all respects to the goods under consideration, have characteristics closely resembling those of the goods under consideration.
Prior to registration of this Agreement, the Owner acknowledges and agrees to convey to the City, at no cost to the City, an unencumbered corner sight triangle measuring 5 metres x 5 metres at the intersection of Cope Drive and Eagleson Road.
Like goods are defined under section 269T(1) of the Customs Act 1901 (the Act)1 as:goods that are identical in all respects to the goods under consideration or that, although not alike in all respects to the goods under consideration, have characteristics closely resembling those of the goods under consideration.
Like goods market imperfections provide a breeding ground for nominal price rigidities to play a role in the transmission of monetary policy in New-Keynesian models, financial market imperfections (incomplete asset markets) facilitate transmission of monetary policy through mortgage contracts in our framework.Three key properties of the mortgage transmission mechanism emerge.