Linguistically appropriate definition
Examples of Linguistically appropriate in a sentence
The following must be available: Multilingual Providers: The provision of care, including twenty-four (24) hour telephone access and scheduling appointments, by providers who are fluent in both English and the language spoken by the Enrollee, or through translation services performed by individuals who are: Trained to translate in a medical setting; Fluent in English; Fluent in the Enrollee’s language; and Linguistically appropriate pharmacy, specialty, behavioral health, and LTSS.
Patient-focused services include:• Systems affecting patient access• Evidence-based provision of care• Patient safety• Patient engagement• Coordination of care with other parts of the larger health care system• Cultural competence• Assessment of patients’ health literacy• Patient-centered communication• Linguistically appropriate care An organization should consider patients’ needs when it is developing tests of change to facilitate improvement.
PHPGSAHDHPHIX_Off_2016 SERF# PBHP-130007152 - Off Provide notice to Members in a Culturally and Linguistically appropriate manner as defined in our Glossary and in the state law.
The following must be available: The provision of care, including twenty-four (24) hour telephone access and scheduling appointments, by providers who are fluent in both English and the language spoken by the Enrollee, or through translation services performed by individuals who are: Trained to translate in a medical setting; Fluent in English; and Fluent in the Enrollee’s language; Linguistically appropriate pharmacy, specialty, behavioral health, and LTSS.
Linguistically appropriate outreach focuses on accessibility of culturally appropriate oral and written language.
In addition, Bolat Nazarbayev's youngest wife wears jewellery worth hundreds of thousands of dollars75,76.
The following must be available: The provision of care, including twenty-four (24) hour telephone access and scheduling appointments, by providers who are fluent in both English and the language spoken by the Enrollee, or through translation services performed by individuals who are: Trained to translate in a medical setting; Fluent in English; and Fluent in the Enrollee’s language; Linguistically appropriate pharmacy, specialty, behavioral health, and LTSS providers.
The following must be available: The provision of care, including twenty‑four (24) hour telephone access and scheduling appointments, by providers who are fluent in both English and the language spoken by the Enrollee, or through translation services performed by individuals who are: Trained to translate in a medical setting; Fluent in English; and Fluent in the Enrollee’s language; Linguistically appropriate pharmacy, specialty, behavioral health, and LTSS.
It could be the case that the InceptionTime network works better within larger data domains due to the complexity of the network, and so a larger number of training samples may be of benefit.In this context it can be demonstrated that the Temporal CNN works well when there are many features available per data point, with the model seemingly able to learn information encoding within the temporal dimension of the data within a short training time.
The following resources are intended for informational purposes only:• The National Center for Cultural Competency• The National Standards for Culturally and Linguistically appropriate Services in Health and Health Care (developed by the Office of Minority Health in HHS)