Examples of Immediate intervention in a sentence
They include but are not limited to: Immediate intervention to stop the immediate behaviors, separate the kids involved, make sure everyone is safe, meet any immediate medical or mental health needs, stay calm, reassure the students involved, including bystanders, and model respectful behaviors during the intervention.
Immediate intervention following a hostile action, counseling, guidance, and handling of every problem – emotional, social, family – as well as assistance in taking up rights, psychological treatment, group treatment, tutorial services, and accompaniment of volunteers.
These misbehaviors are usually handled by the teacher and include, but are not limited to the following:• bullying• cheating• lying• disrespect for others• playground misbehavior• hallway disturbances• littering• running in the halls• unauthorized talking in the classroom• possession of electronic devices (including cell phones)• failure to return required forms• chewing gumAction to be Taken: Immediate intervention or action by the teacher supervising or observing the student misbehavior.
Immediate intervention by school authorities and law enforcement officers is needed when a child: • Has presented a detailed plan (time, place, method) to harm or kill others — particularly if the child has a history of aggression or has attempted to carry out threats in the past.
Immediate intervention by the Council can often provide evidence or prevent serious damage being caused, and limit the costs of restoration.
Immediate intervention by this Court is necessary to avoid “the deleterious effects arising from delays incident to the ordinary process of law.” Williams, 129 A.3d at 1206.
Immediate intervention will prevent further environmental degradation and preserve the source of livelihood of the local communities.
Immediate intervention to provide safety to the patient in a medically monitored environment is rec- ommended for individuals who present with high-risk intoxication or withdrawal states or altered mental states (e.g., psychosis, suicidality, agitation) that are associated with a risk of danger to self or others.
Immediate intervention and support will be implemented where necessary, in addition to any external support as required.
Immediate intervention reduces down-times and maximizes the productivity of the instrument.