Examples of Liquid fuel in a sentence
Liquid fuel - Petroleum and its refining, distillate of petroleum (Kerosene oil, Disel and Petrol), Benzol and Power alchol.
Liquid fuel costs are assigned on the basis of weighted average cost.
You must establish a 12-hour rolling average limit for the total feedrate of chlorine (organic and inor- ganic) in all feedstreams as the averageof the test run averages.(ii) Liquid fuel boilers—(A) Boilers that feed hazardous aste ith a heating value not less than 10,000 Btu/lb.
Liquid fuel lights and stoves may only be used under adult supervision.
Liquid fuel atomization, in the form of a spray, is commonly used in a large variety of technical combustion applications such as furnaces and boilers, internal combustion engines and gas turbines in order to increase the fuel surface area and thus accelerate the evaporation and combustion rates.