Listed Entity means an entity whose shares, debt or other securities are quoted on, listed on or marketed through a recognized stock exchange or other equivalent body, whether within or outside of Canada, other than an entity that has, in respect of a particular fiscal year, market capitalization and total assets that are each less than $10,000,000. An entity that becomes a listed entity by virtue of the market capitalization or total assets becoming $10,000,000 or more in respect of a particular fiscal year shall be considered to be a listed entity thenceforward unless and until the entity ceases to have its shares or debt quoted, listed or marketed in connection with a recognized stock exchange or the entity has remained under the market capitalization or total assets threshold for a period of two years.
Listed Entity means an entity which has listed, on a recognised stock exchange(s), the designated securities issued by it or designated securities issued under schemes managed by it, in accordance with the listing agreement entered into between the entity and the recognised stock exchange(s);
Listed Entity means an entity which has listed, on a recognized stock exchange(s), the designated securities issued by it or designated securities issued under scheme managed by it, in accordance with the listing agreement entered into between the entity and the recognized stock exchange(s).
Examples of Listed Entity in a sentence
If the Listed Entity would like to provide any other information, the same may be indicated as Para D in the above table.
The Listed Entity has approved the Material Subsidiary Policy and the Corporate Governance requirements with respect to the subsidiary of Listed Entity have been complied.
Nothing in this MOU is to be construed, however, as preventing NSX from requiring a Listed Entity to comply with the accounting standards or the accounting requirements of the Law in connection with satisfying the accounting requirements of the Listing Rules or maintaining an informed market.
More Definitions of Listed Entity
Listed Entity refers to Altice USA or its successors.
Listed Entity means any entity which has listed its securities on recognized stock exchange(s), in accordance with the listing agreement entered into with the stock exchange(s).
Listed Entity means an entity included in the Official List.
Listed Entity means an entity declared to be a listed entity in accordance with section 22B;
Listed Entity means Bajaj Hindusthan Sugar Limited/BHSL.
Listed Entity refers to Altice, or in the case the common stock or other equity interests of the Company, a Parent or successor of the Company or of Altice are listed on an exchange following the Issue Date and to the extent designated as the Listed Entity pursuant to an Officer’s Certificate of the Company, the Company or such Parent or successor.