Antique firearm means a firearm or replica of a firearm not designed or redesigned for using rim fire or conventional center fire ignition with fixed ammunition and manufactured in or before 1898, including any matchlock, flintlock, percussion cap, or similar type of ignition system and also any firearm using fixed ammunition manufactured in or before 1898, for which ammunition is no longer manufactured in the United States and is not readily available in the ordinary channels of commercial trade.
Furniture coating means any paint designed for application to room furnishings including, but not limited to, cabinets (kitchen, bath and vanity), tables, chairs, beds, and sofas.
Volunteer firefighter means a firefighter whose position normally requires less than 600
Hostile fire means one which becomes uncontrollable or breaks out from where it was intended to be.
Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site (or “MMC Site”) means any World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works. A public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server. A “Massive Multiauthor Collaboration” (or “MMC”) contained in the site means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC site.
Modular building manufacturer means a person or corporation who owns or operates a
live-work unit means a unit intended for both residential and non-residential uses concurrently;
Medical equipment means equipment used in a patient care environment to support patient treatment and diagnosis.
Adult motion picture theater means a commercial establishment where, for any form of consideration, films, motion pictures, video cassettes, slides, or similar photographic reproductions are regularly shown which are characterized by the depiction or description of "specified sexual activities" or "specified anatomical areas."
Major medical equipment means medical equipment which is used for the provision of medical and other health services and which costs in excess of the capital expenditure minimum, except that such term does not include medical equipment acquired by or on behalf of a clinical laboratory to provide clinical laboratory services if the clinical laboratory is independent of a physician's office and a hospital and it has been determined under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act to meet the requirements of paragraphs (10) and (11) of Section 1861(s) of such Act. In determining whether medical equipment has a value in excess of the capital expenditure minimum, the value of studies, surveys, designs, plans, working drawings, specifications, and other activities essential to the acquisition of such equipment shall be included.
Non-surgically implanted prostheses means a replacement body part not surgically implanted.
Disposable respirator means a respirator for which maintenance is not intended and that is designed to be discarded after excessive breathing resistance, sorbent exhaustion, physical damage, or end-of-service-life renders it unsuitable for use. Examples of this type of respirator are a disposable half-mask respirator or a disposable escape-only self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).
Recreational Fire means cooking fires or campfires using fire- wood which occur in designated areas on public lands, or on private property. Fires used for disposal ((purposes)) are not recreational fires.
Supported Web Browser means the current release from time to time of Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Apple Safari, or any other web browser that the Provider agrees in writing shall be supported;
Firefighter means any regular, paid or volunteer, member of a lawfully constituted fire department of a municipal corporation, township, fire district, or village.
Disabled parking license plate means a license plate that displays the international symbol of access
Pilot or "Payment in Lieu of Tax" shall mean any payment made to the Agency or an affected tax jurisdiction equal to all or a portion of the real property taxes or other taxes which would have been levied by or on behalf of an affected tax jurisdiction with respect to a project but for tax exemption obtained by reason of the involvement of the Agency in such project, but such term shall not include Agency fees.
Personalized license plate means a license plate that has displayed on it a
Sensor means any measurement device that is not part of the vehicle itself but installed to determine parameters other than the concentration of gaseous and particle pollutants and the exhaust mass flow.
Mobility enhancing equipment means equipment, other than durable medical equipment or a motor vehicle or equipment on a motor vehicle normally provided by a motor vehicle manufacturer, dispensed pursuant to a prescription, including repair or replacement parts for that equipment, that is all of the following:
Fire fighter means a member, including a volunteer member and a member who is paid on call, of an organized fire department that is responsible for, or is in a capacity that includes responsibility for, the extinguishment of fires, the directing of the extinguishment of fires, the prevention and detection of fires, and the enforcement of the general fire laws of this state. Fire fighter does not include a person whose job description, duties, or responsibilities do not include direct involvement in fire suppression.
Glass cleaner means a cleaning product designed primarily for cleaning surfaces made of glass. Glass cleaner does not include products designed solely for the purpose of cleaning optical materials used in eyeglasses, photographic equipment, scientific equipment and photocopying machines.
Furniture maintenance product means a wax, polish, conditioner, or any other product designed for the purpose of polishing, protecting or enhancing finished wood surfaces other than floors. Furniture maintenance product does not include: dusting aids; wood cleaners, and products designed solely for the purpose of cleaning; and products designed to leave a permanent finish such as stains, sanding sealers and lacquers.
The Works/Project means the works to be executed or done under this contract.
Autocycle means the same as that term is defined in Section 53-3-102.
Video lottery terminal sales agent means a lottery sales agent licensed under Chapter 3770. of the ORC to conduct video lottery terminals on behalf of the state pursuant to Section 3770.21 of the ORC.