Living in the UK definition

Living in the UK means that the child concerned is living in the UK at the time the date of application and is physically present here and the applicant intends to make the UK their home with the child, if the application is successful. A parent cannot rely on their relationship with a child who is overseas to obtain leave in this route.
Living in the UK means that the child concerned is living in the UK on the date of application, is physically present here, and the applicant intends to make the UK their home with the child, if the application is successful. You need to consider evidence from the applicant that their child is in the UK. This might include:

Examples of Living in the UK in a sentence

  • Focus Groups Findings on the Experiences, Needs and Aspirations of Young BAMER Women Living in the UK.

  • On 26 June 2017, the UK published a document entitled ‘The United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union – Safeguarding the Position of EU Citizens Living in the UK and UK Nationals Living in the EU’, in which the Government indicated that its first priority was to reach an agreement on the post-exit position of EU citizens living in the UK and of UK nationals living in other EU countries, expressing the intention to put those citizens first.

  • Living in the UK To claim Universal Credit you must:• be present in the UK• be habitually resident• have the right to reside.

  • Living [in the UK] you cannot imagine the state of jails in Sri Lanka – if there is something called hell, it is in the Sri Lankan state prisons.

  • This is where the roots of Independent Living in the UK started, by enabling disabled people to move out of institutions unlike their counterparts in the USA, who started Independent Living while studying in university, because the universities had a programme of personal assistants to support the disabled students.

  • On 26 June 2017, the United Kingdom published the document ‘The United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union - Safeguarding the Position of EU Citizens Living in the UK and UK Nationals Living in the EU’.

  • In terms of the development of Independent Living in the UK, there were two other significant early developments, which led to an increase in the numbers of disabled people running their own form of Independent Living schemes that are worth highlighting.

  • Living in the UK, you already face a risk of being exposed and infected naturally, although this will be with a different variant to the ones in this study.

  • Living in the UK was also implicated in a total cost reduction of £890.75 (95% CI 22.88–1758.61).

  • Learn Devon also offer courses on Living in the UK, where learners find out more about the UK, its culture and institutions.

Related to Living in the UK

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