Local Enterprise definition

Local Enterprise means a person, firm or entity performing works, services and/or supplying goods and materials to Contractor, whether as a Subcontractor or otherwise, whose business enterprise is incorporated or otherwise organised under the Laws of Trinidad and Tobago and whose principal place of business is in Trinidad and Tobago and which is effectively owned and controlled by nationals of Trinidad and Tobago.
Local Enterprise means an enterprise with 51% or more equity ownership by South African citizens, registered in the Republic of South Africa and paying tax to South African Revenue Service;
Local Enterprise means a legal relationship between two or more local authorities by way of partnership or otherwise, created for the purposes of identifying, determining and facilitating Partnership (LEP)” economic opportunities that generate economic growth, prosperity and job creation in a particular area;

Examples of Local Enterprise in a sentence

  • Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) are private sector-led partnerships between local authorities and businesses.

  • Over recent years, many capital spending decisions have been devolved to City Region authorities and Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP).

  • The State and its agents (including Local Enterprise Office(s), Enterprise Ireland or any Government Department) does not accept any liability whatsoever in respect of any deficit in or consequences arising from products or services procured by or provided to companies under this scheme.

  • The Greater Manchester Local Enterprise Partnership Together with any local authority or any joint committee of local authorities outside Greater Manchester subject to the agreement of the Board.

  • Economic Growth Performance Indicators:The below indicators provide an insight into the economic performance of the Councils in comparison with New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership (NALEP), region and country.

More Definitions of Local Enterprise

Local Enterprise means supplier, contractor or consulting firm registered and operating in Malawi and whose shareholding is held in majority by Malawian nationals;
Local Enterprise means supplier, contractor or consulting firm registered and operating in Mala#i and whose shareholding is held in majority by Mala#ian nationals;
Local Enterprise means a business, firm or entity operating within the County, whether as a supplier, contractor, consulting firm, subcontractor or otherwise, whose business enterprise is incorporated under the Laws of Kenya and whose principal place of business is in the County and whose shareholding is held in majority by local persons in the County;
Local Enterprise means a person, firm or entity performing works, services and/or supplying goods and materials to Contractor, whether as a Sub-contractor or otherwise, whose business enterprise is incorporated or otherwise organised under the laws of Trinidad and Tobago and whose principal place of business is in Trinidad and Tobago and which is effectively owned and controlled by nationals of Trinidad and Tobago.
Local Enterprise means an industrial undertaking or a business concern or any other establishment by whatever name called, engaged in the manufacture or production of goods, in any manner, pertaining to any Industry specified in the first schedule to the Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951, situated and have received their acknowledgement of Entrepreneurs Memorandum-II/Udyog Aadhaar Memorandum and registered in the State of Rajasthan;
Local Enterprise means an enterprise that is incorporated in South Africa, whose majority shareholders are South African citizens and which sources and manufactures its products locally sourcing not less than 50% of its raw material locally;
Local Enterprise means small businesses, nonprofits, cooperatives, and community land trusts that operate primarily in San Francisco.