Examples of San Francisco in a sentence
If Contractor receives a cumulative total per year of at least $250,000 in City funds or City-administered funds and is a non-profit organization as defined in Chapter 12L of the San Francisco Administrative Code, Contractor must comply with the City’s Public Access to Nonprofit Records and Meetings requirements, as set forth in Chapter 12L of the San Francisco Administrative Code, including the remedies provided therein.
If Contractor chooses to offer the health plan option, such health plan shall meet the minimum standards set forth by the San Francisco Health Commission.
Contractor shall comply with the Food Service Waste Reduction Ordinance, as set forth in San Francisco Environment Code Chapter 16, including but not limited to the remedies for noncompliance provided therein.
The full text of San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 21, Section 21.35, including the enforcement and penalty provisions, is incorporated into this Agreement.
Pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code §21.35, any contractor or subcontractor who submits a false claim shall be liable to the City for the statutory penalties set forth in that section.