Local Production definition

Local Production means a work wholly or substantially produced in Mauritius;
Local Production this term of local production is used if the Injection Point for one or more Generation Units is the same as the Off-take Point for one or more loads and if the Generation Unit(s) is(/are) located on the same geographic site as the site where the load(s) of the Grid User concerned is/are situated;
Local Production has the meaning as set out in subsection 8.1(c)(i)(D).

Examples of Local Production in a sentence

  • MGC agrees that the aggregate quantities of Local Production and MGS Supplies so purchased by and delivered to MGC on a cumulative annual basis during the term of this Agreement shall not vary by more than [*] from a level of [*].

  • Structuring 32 Schedule 1: Imported Brands Schedule 2: Licensed Brands Schedule 3: Xxxxxx Brands Schedule 4: Trademarks Schedule 5: Local Production Countries Schedule 6: Amendments if Transferred Assets are Excluded Exhibit A: Commitment Letter PURCHASE AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) dated as of November 11, 2015, between ANHEUSER-XXXXX INBEV SA/NV, a public company organized under the laws of Belgium (“ABI”), and MOLSON COORS BREWING COMPANY, a Delaware corporation (“Buyer”).

  • At the end of each Contract Year, Coral will determine whether the actual quantity of Local Production and MGS Supplies so purchased by and delivered to MGC during such Contract Year was greater or less than [*] by a factor of more than [*], as confirmed by MGC with the Final Transporter.

  • MGC shall have full responsibility for all nominations, gathering, transportation, and other Management of all Local Production and MGS Supplies, and shall pay all amounts incurred by MGC in connection with the purchase thereof and all other costs and expenses of MGC relating thereto.

  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, the provisions of this Section 3.1(c) shall not -------------- apply to the extent that MGC purchases such Local Production or MGS Supplies on any Day in satisfaction of MGC's Gas supply requirements that are in excess of the Total Firm Entitlement or which constitute Replacement Gas.

  • In addition, Coral shall have no liability or obligation in favor of MGC in the event of (i) the failure by any seller of Local Production or by MGS with respect to the MGS Supplies to deliver quantities of Gas properly nominated by MGC to any such party; or (ii) the delivery by MGS or such a third party seller of Local Production of Gas not in conformity with the pressure or quality specifications contained in the applicable Gas purchase agreements.

  • Structuring 44 Schedule 1: Imported Brands Schedule 2: Licensed Brands Schedule 3: Xxxxxx Brands Schedule 4: Trademarks Schedule 5: Local Production Countries Schedule 6: Amendments if Transferred Assets are Excluded Exhibit A: Commitment Letter PURCHASE AGREEMENT (this “Agreement”) dated as of November 11, 2015, between ANHEUSER-XXXXX INBEV SA/NV, a public company organized under the laws of Belgium (“ABI”), and MOLSON COORS BREWING COMPANY, a Delaware corporation (“Buyer”).

  • Coral shall have no obligation or responsibility under this Agreement or otherwise with respect to the Management of the Local Production or the MGS Supplies.

  • The M-Net Local Production division has been responsible for a number of leading productions.

  • After Coral's receipt of such preliminary nomination, Coral shall consult with MGC to develop a plan for delivering the estimated Daily Gas Supply Requirements at the Delivery Point, which plan shall include: (i) the estimated quantities of Local Production and MGS Supplies to be delivered into the MGC System; (ii) the estimated load for transportation customers on the MGC System; and (iii) the --------- aggregate quantities of Gas representing Coral Sale Volumes estimated to be required hereunder.

More Definitions of Local Production

Local Production means a work wholly or substantially produced in Mauritius; “Minister” means the Minister to whom responsibility for the subject of copyright and related rights are assigned;
Local Production means the Gas supplies purchased by MGC from third party ---------------- Gas suppliers in the Appalachian region.

Related to Local Production

  • Commercial Production means the operation of the Property or any portion thereof as a producing mine and the production of mineral products therefrom (excluding bulk sampling, pilot plant or test operations);

  • Biological product means a virus, therapeutic serum, toxin, antitoxin, vaccine, blood, blood component or derivative, allergenic product, protein other than a chemically synthesized polypeptide, or analogous product, or arsphenamine or any derivative of arsphenamine or any other trivalent organic arsenic compound, applicable to the prevention, treatment, or cure of a disease or condition of human beings.

  • Production means a method of obtaining goods including manufacturing, assembling, processing, raising, growing, breeding, mining, extracting, harvesting, fishing, trapping, gathering, collecting, hunting and capturing.

  • Power production activities means any business operation that involves a project commissioned by the government of Iran whose purpose is to facilitate power generation and delivery, including, but not limited to, establishing power-generating plants or hydroelectric dams, selling or installing components for the project, providing service contracts related to the installation or maintenance of the project, as well as facilitating such activities, including by providing supplies or services in support of such activities.

  • Interchangeable biological product means a biological product that the federal Food and Drug Administration has:

  • Manufacturing means all activities related to the manufacture of a Compound, including planning, purchasing, manufacture, processing, compounding, storage, filling, packaging, waste disposal, labeling, leafleting, testing, quality assurance, sample retention, stability testing, release, dispatch and supply, as applicable.

  • Pharmaceutical Product shall have the meaning ascribed to such term in Section 3.1(hh).

  • Civil Aeronautical Product means any civil aircraft, aircraft engine, or propeller or subassembly, appliance, material, part, or component to be installed thereon.

  • medicinal product means any substance or combination of substances presented for treating or preventing disease in human beings or animals and any substance or combination of substances which may be administered to human beings or animals with a view to making a medical diagnosis or to restoring, correcting or modifying physiological functions in humans or in animals;

  • Reference biological product means the single biological product licensed pursuant to 42 U.S.C.

  • Biodiesel means a fuel composed of mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats, and, in accordance with standards specified by the American society for testing and materials, designated B100, and meeting the requirements of D-6751, as approved by the department of agriculture.

  • Production Area means that part of the animal feeding operation that includes the animal confinement area, the manure storage area, the raw materials storage area, and the waste containment areas. The animal confinement area includes, but is not limited to, open lots, housed lots, feedlots, confinement houses, stall barns, free stall barns, milkrooms, milking centers, egg washing or egg processing areas, areas used for the storage and disposal/treatment of mortalities, cowyards, barnyards, medication pens, walkers, animal walkways, and stables. The manure storage area includes, but is not limited to, lagoons, runoff ponds, storage sheds, stockpiles, under-house or pit storages, liquid impoundments, static piles, and composting piles. The raw materials storage area includes, but is not limited to, feed silos, and silage bunkers. The waste containment area includes, but is not limited to, settling basins and areas within berms and diversions which separate uncontaminated stormwater.

  • Manufacturing Site means a location where a manufacturing

  • Manufacturing Facility means buildings and structures, including machinery and equipment, the primary purpose of which is or will be the manufacture of tangible goods or materials or the processing of such goods or materials by physical or chemical change.

  • Product means any deliverable under the Contract, which may include commodities, services, technology or software.

  • Commercial Product means any such product as defined in FAR 2.101.

  • Transshipment means to transfer cargo from one vessel to another for further transportation to another port with said transfer occurring completely on Port Authority property; in the case of laden containers, without the containers being de-stuffed or altered in form or composition.

  • Biodiesel fuel means a fuel that is comprised of mono- alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats.

  • Tobacco products means cigars, cigarettes, cheroots, stogies, periques, granulated, plug cut, crimp cut, ready rubbed, and other smoking tobacco, snuff, snuff flour, moist snuff, cavendish, ping and twist tobacco, fine-cut and other chewing tobaccos, shorts, refuse scraps, clippings, cuttings and sweepings of tobacco, and other kinds and forms of tobacco, prepared in such manner as to be suitable for chewing or smoking in a pipe or otherwise, or both for chewing and smoking.

  • Supply Business means the licensed business of the Licensee and anyaffiliate or related undertaking of the Licensee as a Supplier but shall not include the business carried out by the Board in its capacity as public electricity supplier;

  • Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel means diesel fuel that has a sulfur content of no more than fifteen parts per