Production definition

Production means a method of obtaining goods including manufacturing, assembling, processing, raising, growing, breeding, mining, extracting, harvesting, fishing, trapping, gathering, collecting, hunting and capturing.
Production means recovering, gathering, treating, field or plant processing (for example, processing gas to extract natural gas liquids) and field storage of oil and gas.
Production means any kind of working or processing including assembly.

Examples of Production in a sentence

  • Production pilots ordered by You are described in the Service Specifications applicable to Your order, and are provided solely for You to evaluate and test Cloud Services for Your internal business purposes.

  • The Performer consents to the use of their name, likeness and biographical data in connection with the Production and/or any publicity promotion or advertising relating to the Production.

  • For the purpose of this Agreement, the term “employees” shall be as prescribed by the certificate issued by the Ontario Labour Relations Board dated January 9, 2002 and shall not include Supervisors, employees above the rank of Supervisor, office, clerical, administrative, technical employees, security guards, and Magna Production System (MPS) employees.

  • On or after the date of commencement of employment if the Performer is required for the purposes of wardrobe, digital recording, still photography, publicity, or any other matter connected to the Employer’s business or the Production, the Employer will give reasonable notice and no further payment will be made to the Employer.

  • The main activities of the project are relevant to the AComIn topic Optimisation and Intelligent Control, and especially, to the problems concerning Optimisation and Management of Business and Production Processes.

More Definitions of Production

Production. (GTN NTN All) means all production phases, such as: construction, production engineering, manufacture, integration, assembly (mounting), inspection, testing, quality assurance.
Production of a chemical means its formation through chemical reaction;
Production means the production of products, whether in a factory or not, and includes manufacturing and other activities such as mining and agriculture;
Production means the amount of controlled substances produced, minus the amount destroyed by technologies to be approved by the Parties and minus the amount entirely used as feedstock in the manufacture of other chemicals. The amount recycled and reused is not to be considered as “production”.
Production means all production stages (e.g. product engineering, manufacture, integration, assembly (mounting), inspection, testing, quality assurance);
Production or “produce” means:
Production means all production phases such as: