Examples of Local Region in a sentence
The Prime Cost Amounts included in this contract shall be those listed and shall be normal trade prices in the Local Region, including GST where applicable.
Therefore, for each experiment instance, we have 820 images of 250 subjects with at least two image per subject taken from different sessions.We compute the impostor score distribution using the fol- lowing four face recognition systems: FaceVACS [8], Verilook [11], Local Region PCA and Cohort LDA [12].
The economy of the Local Region is based primarily on providing goods and services to the resident populations of Nelson House and South Indian Lake.
Local Region 9 representatives from all four required core partner agencies (Adult Ed, Title 1B, Vocational Rehab and Wagner-Peyser) along with partners representing career and technical education were represented at this meeting and worked together with a Maher & Maher facilitator to complete an analysis of the data collected.
Figure 11: BRIEF32 Local Region Distances in Percent DifferenceFigure 12: BRIEF64 Local Region Distances in Percent Difference Figure 13: BRISK Local Region Distances in Percent Difference Figure 14: SBRISK Local Region Distances in Percent Difference The BRIEF descriptor is the simplest descriptor implemented in this work.
Contribute to the development and implementation of Local Region Action Plans underthe series of statewide design, service and infrastructure plans being progressively released from 2016-17.
This Policy focuses on outcomes instead of processes and aims to balance compliance with flexibility that delivers value for money, aligns with business needs, improves service delivery, and supports a competitive local economy.This policy supports delivery of Councils ‘Community Strategic Plan’ to achieve a sustainable Local Region.
Regional Supply of Production Inputs.Average Percentage of InputR&D ActivityRequirements Met in Local Region Note: *** Significant differences at 99% level of confidence using chi-square analysis.
Project Region The Proponent defined a Project Region which includes the Local Region but also extents eastward to Gillam and the Fox Lake First Nation community on the lower Nelson River, as well as south to the Cross Lake and Norway House communities on the upper Nelson River.
Specifically, criteria was established by the State and the Local Region that address effectiveness, physical and programmatic accessibility, and continuous improvement of one-stop centers.