Loss of contact definition

Loss of contact means postal mail sent to an enrolled provider at the last known address is returned to the department.
Loss of contact means that a member could not be located at the address of record and there is no alternate or for- warding address known to the Administration or the county.
Loss of contact means that Bank of Beijing is unable to contact the relevant party after reasonable efforts according to the contact information listed in the first part of this contract.

Examples of Loss of contact in a sentence

  • Loss of contact with the recipient for three consecutive scheduled days.

  • Loss of contact lenses or equipment adjustment will be at referees discretion.

  • Loss of contact with a home PSAP puts first responders in the field at risk, particularly if an emergency arises, and support personnel need to be dispatched.

  • Loss of contact with the recipient for three (3) consecutive scheduled days.

  • In addition, the likelihood of an electric aircraft entering service has increased over the past 10 years, including all-electric, hybrid-electric, partially turboelectric, and turboelectric aircraft.

  • However, their point 12 is actually very much like Antisocial Personality Disorder points 3 and 5, which Owen and Davidson assign to their point 11: Loss of contact with reality.

  • Loss of contact means that it is difficult to determine whether households on the Master List are still in need of housing.

  • Loss of contact with a Centre or inability to arrange quality assurance monitoring activities.

  • The Know-Nothings won only one state.24 In his memoirs, Harlan made no reference to this landslide defeat, choosing instead to highlight his blossoming skills as a public speaker (though he does not comment on the perhaps inflammatory details of his speeches).

  • Loss of contact is defined as the failure of the client to respond to correspondence when the Department uses its most current information in the attempted contact.

Related to Loss of contact

  • Indirect contact means the contact of persons with exposed conductive parts.

  • Direct contact means the contact of persons with high voltage live parts.

  • Direct relationship means that the nature of criminal conduct for which the person was convicted has a direct bearing on his fitness or ability to perform one or more of the duties or responsibilities necessarily related to the license, opportunity, or job in question.

  • Indirect Losses means loss of profits, loss of production, loss of business, loss of business opportunity, or any claim for consequential loss or for indirect loss of any nature;

  • Indirect services means special education services provided by a special education teacher which include ongoing progress reviews; cooperative planning; consultation; demonstration teaching; modification and adaptation of the environment, curriculum, materials, or equipment; and direct contact with children with disabilities to monitor and observe.

  • Substantial business relationship means the extent of a business relationship necessary under applicable state law to make a guarantee contract issued incident to that relationship valid and enforceable. A guarantee contract is issued "incident to that relationship" if it arises from and depends on existing economic transactions between the guarantor and the owner or operator.

  • Loss of Speech means the disability in articulating any three of the four sounds which contribute to the speech such as the Labial sounds, the Alveololabial sounds, the Palatal sounds and the Velar sounds or total loss of vocal cord or damage of speech center in the brain resulting in Aphasia.

  • Loss of Activities of Daily Living means that, due to an Injury or Sickness, the Insured Employee has lost the ability to safely and completely perform two or more of the following six Activities of Daily Living without another person's active, hands-on help with all or most of the activity.

  • Loss of Use means the total and irrecoverable loss of function of an arm, hand, foot, leg or thumb and index finger of the same hand provided such loss of function is continuous for 12 consecutive months and such loss of function is thereafter determined on evidence satisfactory to Chubb Life to be permanent.

  • Indirect Costs has the same meaning as in 44 Ill. Admin. Code 7000.30.

  • Loss of Stock Borrow means that the Issuer and/or any Affiliate is unable, after using commercially reasonable efforts, to borrow (or maintain a borrowing of) any Share in an amount equal to the Hedging Shares at a rate equal to or less than the Maximum Stock Loan Rate.

  • Direct Competitor means any individual, partnership, corporation, limited liability company, association, or other group, however organized, who competes with the Company in the full service restaurant business.

  • Significant relationship means a situation in which the actor is: (1) the complainant's parent, stepparent, or guardian; (2) any of the following persons related to the complainant by blood, marriage, or adoption: brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, first cousin, aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, grandparent,great-grandparent, great-uncle, great-aunt; or (3) an adult who jointly resides intermittently or regularly in the same dwelling as the complainant and who is not the complainant's spouse. Minn. Stat. § 609.341(15).At what age is a person able to consent?18 years old. Idaho Statutes §§ 18-6101. At what age is a person able to consent?17 years old. 720 ILCS 5/11-1.60. However, if the actor is 17 years of age or older and holds a position of trust, authority, or supervision in relation to the victim, then the age of consent is 18 years old. At what age is a person able to consent?16 years old. IC §§ 35-42-4-9. At what age is a person able to consent?16 years old. I.C.A. § 709.4. At what age is a person able to consent?16 years old. K.S.A. 21-5506; 5507*.*Note: KSA 21-5507 was held to violate the equal protection provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and§ 1 of the Kansas Constitution Bill of Rights to the extent that it results in a punishment for unlawful voluntary sexual conduct between members of the opposite sex that is less harsh than the punishment for the same conduct between members of the same sex. The court struck the phrase “and are members of the opposite sex” from the statute. State v. Limon, 280 Kan. 275, 276, 122 P.3d 22, 24 (2005). Proposed legislation would remedy this. See 2019 KS H.B. 2270 (NS). At what age is a person able to consent?18 years old.A person is deemed incapable of consent when he or she is: less than sixteen (16) years old; orsixteen (16) or seventeen (17) years old and the actor at least ten (10) years older than victim at the time of the sexual act.KRS § 510.020. At what age is a person able to consent?16 years old. Connecticut General Statutes Annotated §§ 53a-71. At what age is a person able to consent?16 years old, if the defendant is more than 4 years older, otherwise 18 years old. 11 Delaware Code §§ 761; 762; 765; 770; 771; 778.If the victim is at least 12 years old and the defendant is no more than 4 years older than the victim, it is an affirmative defense if the victim consented to the act “knowingly”. At what age is a person able to consent?16 years old. D.C. Code § 22-3001(3). At what age is a person able to consent?18 years old. Florida Statutes §§ 794.011; 794.05. At what age is a person able to consent?16 years old. Georgia Code § 16-6-3(a).

  • Business Opportunities means all ideas, concepts or information received or developed (in whatever form) by you concerning any business, transaction or potential transaction that constitutes or may constitute an opportunity for the Company to earn a fee or income, specifically including those relationships that were initiated, nourished or developed at the Company’s expense. Confidential Information does not include data or information: (1) which has been voluntarily disclosed to the public by the Company, except where such public disclosure has been made by you without authorization from the Company; (2) which has been independently developed and disclosed by others; or (3) which has otherwise entered the public domain through lawful means.

  • Indirect Political Event shall have the meaning set forth in Clause 21.3;

  • Point of Contact means the individual designated to be a Vendor’s only contact with the DCH following the public advertisement of a solicitation or the issuance of a request for a bid, proposal, or quote, until the award of a resulting contract and resolution of a Protest, if applicable.

  • Loss of Hand or Foot means complete severance through or above the wrist or ankle joint. (In South Carolina, "Loss of Hand" can also mean the loss of four whole fingers from one hand.)

  • Loss of Sight means the entire, permanent and irrecoverable loss of sight.

  • Customer Contact means the individual(s), whether a contract manager, category consultant or otherwise, who are to act for the Customer as the day to day point of contact for communications from the Contractor to the Customer in relation to the Contract, being the individual(s) identified in Section 2 of the Contract Schedule or otherwise notified to the Contractor from time to time;

  • Consequential Loss means loss of profits, anticipated loss of profit or revenue, loss of production, loss of business opportunity, loss of or damage to goodwill or reputation, loss of use or any other similar loss, but excludes:

  • Notice-triggering Personal Information means the personal information identified in Civil Code section 1798.29 whose unauthorized access may trigger notification requirements under Civil Code section 1798.29. For purposes of this provision, identity shall include, but not be limited to, name, address, email address, identifying number, symbol, or other identifying particular assigned to the individual, such as a finger or voice print, a photograph or a biometric identifier. Notice-triggering Personal Information includes PI in electronic, paper or any other medium.

  • Substantial governmental relationship means the extent of a governmental relationship necessary under Ohio law to make an added guarantee contract issued incident to that relationship valid and enforceable. A guarantee contract is issued "incident to that relationship" if it arises from a clear commonality of interest in the event of an UST release such as conterminous boundaries, overlapping constituencies, common groundwater aquifer, or other relationship other than monetary compensation that provides a motivation for the guarantor to provide a guarantee.

  • Loss or Damage means any loss or damage to the Vehicle, including that caused by theft of the Vehicle or by adverse weather events, that requires repair or replacement including the loss of use of the Vehicle (demurrage), legal expenses, assessment fees, towing and recovery costs, storage, service charges and any appraisal fees of the Vehicle;

  • Family relationship means a relationship between a person and another person within the third degree by consanguinity or the second degree by affinity, as those terms are defined by Subchapter B, Chapter 573, Texas Government Code.

  • Indirect discharger means a non-domestic discharger introducing pollutants into a publicly owned treatment and disposal system.

  • Business Contact Information means the names, mailing addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers of a party’s personnel, officers and directors and, with respect to Client, such information regarding Client’s vendors and customers that Accenture may have access to in maintaining the parties’ business relationship.