Loss of thumb and index finger definition

Loss of thumb and index finger means actual severance at or above the knuckles joining each to the hand.
Loss of thumb and index finger means severance of the thumb and index finger of the same hand, through or above the joint closest to the wrist. (In California, it can also mean loss by complete severance of at least one whole phalanx of each.)
Loss of thumb and index finger means severance of at least one entire phalanx from each digit of the same hand.

Examples of Loss of thumb and index finger in a sentence

  • We will consider such severance a Loss of Thumb and Index Finger even if a thumb, an index finger or both are later reattached.

  • Loss of Thumb and Index Finger means complete severance, through the metacarpal phalangeal joints, proximal to the torso, of the thumb and index finger of the same hand, as determined by a Physician.

More Definitions of Loss of thumb and index finger

Loss of thumb and index finger means complete and permanent severance of the thumb and index finger on the same hand.
Loss of thumb and index finger means complete severance through or above the knuckle joints of the thumb and index finger of the same hand. We will consider it a Loss of Thumb and Index Finger even if one or both are later reattached.
Loss of thumb and index finger means complete severance of the thumb and index finger above the metacarpal phalangeal joint on one hand.
Loss of thumb and index finger means that all of the thumb and index finger are cut off at or above the joint closest to the wrist (through or above the metacarpophalangeal joint);
Loss of thumb and index finger means complete severance, through the metacarpal phalangeal joints, of the thumb and index finger of the same hand, as determined by a
Loss of thumb and index finger means complete severance, through the metacarpal phalangeal joints, proximal to the torso, of the thumb and index finger of the same hand, as determined by a Physician. We will consider such severance a Loss of Thumb and Index Finger even if a thumb, an index finger or both are later reattached. If the reattachment fails and amputation becomes necessary, then We will not pay an additional Benefit Amount for such amputation.

Related to Loss of thumb and index finger

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