Mail Server Assets definition

Mail Server Assets means all assets and rights associated with, incorporated in, or required for the operation and maintenance of the e-mail server for the address and URL, and [addressee], including the hardware and equipment located at the Miami, Florida System, any proprietary software code, customer information or databases, applications and other intellectual property incorporated in or associated with such mail server and equipment, whether owned or licensed by the Sellers.
Mail Server Assets means all assets and rights associated with, incorporated in, or required for the operation and maintenance of the e-mail server for the address and URL, and [addressee], including the hardware and equipment located at the Miami, Florida System, any proprietary software code, customer information or databases, applications and other intellectual property incorporated in or associated with such mail server and equipment, whether owned or licensed by the Sellers.

Related to Mail Server Assets

  • Server means all programs and technology used to make and carry out the Client's instructions, as well as presenting trading information in real time (the information is specified by the Company), with consideration of the mutual obligations of the Client and Company in correspondence with this Agreement.

  • Servers means the servers established, installed and operated by Licensee within the Territory only for the service of Game to End Users in the Territory.

  • Voice mail service means an ancillary service that enables the customer to store, send or receive recorded messages. Voice mail service does not include any vertical services that the customer may be required to have in order to utilize the voice mail service.

  • Voice over internet protocol service means any service that:

  • Amplification, transmission and distribution equipment means, but is not limited to, production,

  • Server Software means software that provides services or functionality on a computer acting as a server.

  • Computer database or “database” means a collection of recorded information in a form capable of, and for the purpose of, being stored in, processed, and operated on by a computer. The term does not include computer software.

  • General purpose radiographic x-ray system means any radiographic x-ray system which, by design, is not limited to radiographic examination of specific anatomical regions.

  • Internet Assets means any Internet domain names and other computer user identifiers and any rights in and to sites on the worldwide web, including rights in and to any text, graphics, audio and video files and html or other code incorporated in such sites.

  • Computer software means computer programs, source code, source code listings, object code listings, design details, algorithms, processes, flow charts, formulae, and related material that would enable the software to be reproduced, recreated, or recompiled. Computer software does not include computer databases or computer software documentation.

  • Radiation therapy simulation system means a radiographic or fluoroscopic x-ray system intended for localizing the volume to be exposed during radiation therapy and confirming the position and size of the therapeutic irradiation field.

  • Cabinet x-ray system means an x-ray system with the x-ray tube installed in an enclosure independent of existing architectural structures except the floor on which it may be placed. The cabinet x-ray system is intended to contain at least that portion of a material being irradiated, provide radiation attenuation, and exclude personnel from its interior during generation of radiation. Included are all x-ray systems designed primarily for the inspection of carry-on baggage at airline, railroad, and bus terminals, and in similar facilities. An x-ray tube used within a shielded part of a building, or x-ray equipment that may temporarily or occasionally incorporate portable shielding, is not considered a cabinet x-ray system.

  • Interactive computer service means any information service, system, or ac- cess software provider that provides or enables computer access by multiple users to a computer server, including specifically a service or system that provides access to the Internet and such systems operated or services of- fered by libraries or educational insti- tutions.

  • computer data means any representation of facts, information or concepts in a form suitable for processing in a computer system, including a program suitable to cause a computer system to perform a function;

  • Noncommercial computer software means software that does not qualify as commercial computer software under paragraph (a)(1) of this clause.

  • Business reply mail envelope means an envelope that may be mailed free of

  • Air-to-ground radiotelephone service means a radio service, as that term is defined in 47 CFR 22.99, in which common carriers are authorized to offer and provide radio telecommunications service for hire to subscribers in aircraft.

  • Commercial computer software means software developed or regularly used for non-governmental purposes which—

  • Video means simulated movement created by the display of a series of images creating the illusion of continuous movement.

  • Certified cabinet x-ray system means an x-ray system that has been certified in accordance with 21 CFR 1010.2 as being manufactured and assembled pursuant to the provisions of 21 CFR 1020.40.

  • Traffic control signal means a device, whether manually, electrically, or mechanically operated, by which traffic is alternately directed to stop and permitted to proceed.

  • Computer network means the interconnection of hardwire or wireless communication lines with a computer through remote terminals, or a complex consisting of 2 or more interconnected computers.

  • Digital Cross Connect System or "DCS" is a function which provides automated Cross Connection of Digital Signal Level 0 (DS0) or higher transmission bit rate digital channels within physical interface facilities. Types of DCS include but are not limited to DCS 1/0s, DCS 3/1s, and DCS 3/3s, where the nomenclature 1/0 denotes interfaces typically at the DS1 rate or greater with Cross Connection typically at the DS0 rate. This same nomenclature, at the appropriate rate substitution, extends to the other types of DCS specifically cited as 3/1 and 3/3. Types of DCS that cross connect Synchronous Transport Signal level 1 (STS-1 s) or other Synchronous Optical Network (SONET) signals (e.g., STS-3) are also DCS, although not denoted by this same type of nomenclature. DCS may provide the functionality of more than one of the aforementioned DCS types (e.g., DCS 3/3/1 which combines functionality of DCS 3/3 and DCS 3/1). For such DCS, the requirements will be, at least, the aggregation of requirements on the "component" DCS. In locations where automated Cross Connection capability does not exist, DCS will be defined as the combination of the functionality provided by a Digital Signal Cross Connect (DSX) or Light Guide Cross Connect (LGX) patch panels and D4 channel banks or other DS0 and above multiplexing equipment used to provide the function of a manual Cross Connection. Interconnection is between a DSX or LGX to a Switch, another Cross Connection, or other service platform device.

  • Office of the Interconnection Control Center means the equipment, facilities and personnel used by the Office of the Interconnection to coordinate and direct the operation of the PJM Region and to administer the PJM Interchange Energy Market, including facilities and equipment used to communicate and coordinate with the Market Participants in connection with transactions in the PJM Interchange Energy Market or the operation of the PJM Region. On-Site Generators:

  • Prepaid wireless telecommunications service means a wireless communications service that provides the right to utilize mobile wireless service as well as other nontelecommunications services, including the download of digital products delivered electronically, content and ancillary services, which must be paid for in advance, and that is sold in predetermined units or dollars of which the amount declines with use in a known amount.

  • Computer software maintenance contract means a contract that obligates a seller of computer software to provide a customer with: