Manure storage structure definition
Manure storage structure means a manure storage impoundment made by constructing embankments, excavating a pit or dugout, or fabricating a structure. “Manure storage struc- ture” does not include equipment used to apply manure to land.
Manure storage structure means the same as defined in section 459.102.
Manure storage structure means the same as defined in 567—65.1(455B 459,459B), means a formed manure storage structure or an unformed manure storage structure, as defined in 567—65.1(455B). A manure storage structure does not include an egg washwater storage structure.
Examples of Manure storage structure in a sentence
Records documenting the current design of any Manure storage structure used by the Facility, including volume for solids accumulation, design treatment volume, total design volume, and approximate number of days of storage capacity, shall be maintained by the Permittee in accordance with Part V.
More Definitions of Manure storage structure
Manure storage structure means the same as defined in 567—65.1(459,459B).
Manure storage structure means a manure storage impoundment made by constructing embankments, excavating a
Manure storage structure means a formed manure storage structure or an unformed manure storage structure.
Manure storage structure means a waste storage structure designed and operated
Manure storage structure means a formed manure storage structure, an unformed manure storage structure or a dry bedded manure storage structure. A manure storage structure does not include an egg washwater storage structure. An animal truck wash facility may be part of a confinement feeding operation. An animal truck wash effluent structure may be the same as a manure storage structure that is part of the confinement feeding operation, so long as the primary function of such impoundment is to collect and store both effluent from the animal truck wash facility and manure from the confinement feeding operation.
Manure storage structure means a structure as defined in Wisconsin Administrative Code, ATCP 50.62(1)(d), or any amendments thereto.
Manure storage structure means a formed