MAR definition
Examples of MAR in a sentence
Any information disclosed to the Expert by the Company, or any person for or on behalf the Company shall also be disclosed simultaneously to the Warrant Rights Holder (subject to compliance with MAR).
To the extent not prohibited under MAR or other applicable laws, the Company shall immediately notify the Warrant Rights Holder in writing about the occurrence of an Exercise Event.
This Agreement (together with the MAR Letter) constitutes the entire agreement between Parties in relation to the grant of the Warrant Rights, and supersedes any previous agreement, whether express or implied, on the same matter.
However, if this ISAA is used to supplement a contract between the Parties, to the extent there is any conflict between a term of this ISAA and a term in other acquisition documentation, the term of the underlying acquisition, including the Homeland Security Acquisition Regulations (HSAR) Safeguarding of Sensitive Information (MAR 2015) and Information Technology Security and Privacy Training (MAR 2015) clauses will supersede.