Mar Sample Clauses
Mar the Issuer is not aware of any inside information as defined in Article 7 MAR with respect to the Issuer, the Notes to be issued or outstanding securities of the Issuer that is required to be published in accordance with Article 17(1) MAR; the Issuer is not making use of its rights under Article 17(4) MAR to temporarily exempt itself from its obligation to publicly disclose inside information relating to itself.
Mar. Apr.-Jun. Jul.-Sep. Oct. - Jan.-Mar. Apr.-Jun. Jul.-Sep. Oct.-Dec. Jan.-Mar. Apr.-Jun. Jul.-Sep. Oct.-Dec. Dec. 2018 2019 2019 2019 Dec. 2019 2020 2020 2020 2020 2021 2021 2021 2021
Mar. 2002 2. May 2002 3. Jul. 2002 4. Sep. 2002 5. Nov. 2002 6. Jan. 2003 7. Mar. 2003 8. May 2003 9. Jul. 2003 10. Sep. 2003 11. Nov. 2003 12. Jan. 2004 13. Mar. 2004 14. May 2004 15. Jul. 2004 16. Sep. 2004 17. Nov. 2004 18. Jan. 2005 19. Mar. 2005 20. May 2005
Mar. (s) Receipted account: Marson and Dadley to Messrs. Paine and Brettell, concerning the Hanworth Park mortgage, and the second sale to Mr. Scarlett, July 1876 -January 1877. 1877 17 Apr. (t) Receipt from Marson and Dadley to Messrs. Paine and Brettell for £900. less property tax, £888. 15s., 1/2years interest due to A.F. Perkins, esq. and others. 1877 18 July (u) Letter: Marson and Dadley to Messrs. Paine and Brettell enclosing dividend warrant for £186. 13s. 7d., 1/2 part dividend on £7,561. 15s. 2d. India 5 per cent stock, less property tax. 1875 - 1877 Reference Description Dates ACC/1023/281 Letters and receipts 1875 4 Aug.-1878 22 Oct. (a)-(e) Bills and receipts made out to A. and R. Newman for work done at Hanworth Park by C.J. Parsons, carpenter, builder and undertaker, of Park Place, Hanworth, and R. Coles and Son, smiths, machinists etc. of East Bedfont. 1878 1 Feb.-15 May (f)-(j) Five receipts for poor rate, Hanworth and Feltham, and highway rate, Hanworth, made out to Messrs. Paine and Brettell. 1878 16 Aug. (k) Notice to quit: H.E. Paine and
Mar. 24 End of Second Semester (53 days) June 15 Total Student Days 180 days Total Teacher Days 185 days Labor Day Sept. 5 Veteran’s Day..................................................Nov. 11 Thanksgiving Day ............................................Nov. 24 Day after Thanksgiving ....................................Nov. 25 Christmas Eve (Observed)** ........................... Dec. 23 Christmas Day (Observed)............................... Dec. 26 New Year’s Day (Observed)................................Jan. 2 Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx Day ....................................Jan. 16 President Days (Observed)* ....................Feb. 20 & 24 Friday of Spring Vacation* April 14 Memorial Day May 29 * Board Adopted Holidays ** Limited to employees who work that day Columbus Day Weekend Oct. 7 to Oct. 10 Thanksgiving Recess...................... Nov. 21 to Nov. 25 Winter Recess ...................................Dec. 22 to Jan. 6 President’s Week ........................... Feb. 20 to Feb. 24 Spring Recess ..................................Apr. 10 to Apr. 14 Goal Setting - Minimum Days Sept. 30 to Oct. 6 Elementary Report Cards .................................. Dec. 5 Minimum Days ..............................Mar. 13 to Mar. 17 Conferences ..............................................Nov. 1, 2, 3 Aug. 17 (No school for students) Sept. 13 Oct. 18 Jan. 24 Feb. 14 Mar. 7 Apr. 4 Aug. 18 & 19 Jan. 9 June 16 Approved by Governing Board 01/20/15 | Revised 05/10/2016 APPENDICES CSEA DUES SCHEDULE The per capita dues of the State Association shall be assessed at the rate of 1.5% of the first $2,450 of monthly gross salary (exclusive of overtime but including longevity, professional growth, and anniversary increments), but shall not exceed a maximum assessment of $367.50 annually. Add to the above, $2.00 per month for chapter dues. Cabrillo Unified School District
Mar. The reason for the long lasting lag phase is likely due to a drastic shift in the environment for the algae. The initial algae culture was collected from the top layer of the water in the fjord, and brought to the tank filled with deep water. As the deep water has higher salinity, higher temperature and lower pH at this time of the year, compared to the top 10 m water, the algae need time to adjust to the new environment before the exponential growth can start. This involves physiological adaptation of the cell metabolism for growth, for example increasing the enzymes and metabolite levels that are used in carbon fixation and cell division (Sorgeloos, 1996). The method used in this experiment probably inoculated zooplankton larvae into the tank. Low growth in the start of the initial phase compared to later in the experiment could therefore also be caused by higher amounts of zooplankton grazing down the algae before the first replenishment. The reduction of the population for other algae species in the selection of S. costatum could have led to a lower chlorophyll increase in the start, as the developing S. costatum culture replaced other algae strains. After a while the domination of S. costatum was apparent, and this effect would have diminished. The second phase of an algae culture is the exponential growth phase. When the algae culture has adapted to the new environment and all conditions for growth is met, the culture should grow exponentially (Xxxxxx and Xxxxxxxxx, 1996). Exponential growth was observed numerous times throughout the experiment, the longest lasting 4 days from 9.- 13 Mar., another lasting 3 days between 23.- 26 Mar. and finally 2 days during 30. Mar. – 1. Apr. When the exponential phase has continued over a period of time, a declining growth phase follows. In this experiment a declining growth phase was observed during most growth cycles, with the exception of the growth cycle lasting from 23. - 26. Mar. During this cycle the tank was replenished before the phase could start. The reason for declining growth phases is linked to some limiting factor (Xxxxxxx, 2006). One typical example of a limiting factor which is relevant for this experiment, is depletion of micronutrients such as iron (Fe) and vitamins. Sunlight limitations due to self-shading as the culture thickens, and unbeneficial pH values due to an increased rate of photosynthesis are also relevant limiting factors. As the culture grows, so does the CO2 requirements. CO2 might...
Mar. 94 $1.45 Dr. Paul Xxxxxxxx, xxo had previously been president of Newmont Mining of Canada and senior vice president exploration of American Barrick Resources joins the board of directors of BRE-X. When someone with the reputation of Dr. Xxxxxxxx xxxns a junior company, take notice. Always look for the good people.
Mar. Wiesbaden, 13 November 2017 Page 1/1
Mar. Apr. Victoria Day Canada Day Civic Holiday Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Remembrance Day Christmas Eve Christmas Day Boxing Day New Year's Eve Floater Holiday May24 May23 May21 May20 July July July2 July Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Each employee will be paid his regular hourly rate of pay for each of the holidays, subject to the conditions given below:
Mar. The Employer has agreed to pay a lump sum amount equivalent to two point two five (2.25%) percent of the previous year’s total earnings to those employees who are currently above or below Level of Grades through The lump sum will be payable each subsequent year of the term of this Collective Agreement to all employees who are active on the Date of Ratification or at the date of the year it is paid. Article No. Strikes or Lockouts There will be no strikes, lockouts, or stoppages during the term of this Contract pending settlement of a dispute in accordance with the Grievance Procedure outlined hereafter.