Examples of Market penetration rate in a sentence
Market penetration rate Based on the expected selling conditions considering the features of marketing and technology development.
Examples of performance standards include:– Efficiency rates (energy per unit of output)– Emission rates (emissions per unit of output)– Market penetration rate (how commonly the technology is used within its sector)• Technology benchmarks, which are defined as specific technologies in certain sectors and locations that are automatically deemed additional.
In order to promote investment into alternative infrastructure, NRAs may have to signal in their reviews – as pointed out in Chapter 4 – that they view some remedies as bridging a gap so that new entrants can more easily make incremental investment but that market players cannot base their long-term business models on the basis of these remedies alone.
Market penetration rate of PGD in China is low at the moment due to its high pricing, but as PGD technology continues to improve and testing costs continue to decrease, the price of NIPT is expected to decline and spark more demands over the next five years.
Disney can be expected to continue to adapt their attractions to changing consumer tastes and market setting, as it has been doing successfully over the past years.(ii) Market penetration rate for base tourists is too high, as many of the visitors to Hong Kong are repeat visitorsBusiness visitors, who more likely are repeat visitors to Hong Kong, are already taken aside as they are assumed to have no contribution to the economic benefits stemming from HKD.
Market penetration rate is assumed to increase linearly from 0% in 2015 to 100% in 2040.In order to produce the maximum feasible seepage water supply, a significant number of seepage water systems must be implemented for all customer sectors.
The implemen- tation of temperature control for FSW allows optimisation of the process and is in some applications essential to obtain sound welds [2–5, 7].
On the other hand, the TMA model assumes both processes to take place simultaneously and only the long chains show this obvious crossover behaviour.
Market penetration rate for leasing in relation to GDP by country in 2019 31Wykres 9.
Market penetration rate for leasing in relation to GDP by country in 2020 36Wykres 9.