Examples of MARKETING CONTRACT in a sentence
Marketing, Contract review, Sales, Customer service 20004968KOA Corporation SHIN YOKOHAMATPR Shin Yokohama Bldg.
Item 3 - Marketing Contract Arrangement – A verbal or written agreement, reached before harvest of a crop, setting a price or pricing formula and market for the commodity.
For instance, each Marketing Contract contained a clause setting forth “minimum operating requirements” which required each Customer continuously to provide Today’s Destiny with data identifying the customers generated by the Today’s Destiny marketing program.
All developments seeking Authority financing will execute an "Affirmative Fair Marketing Contract".
Women entrepreneurship and leadershipThe OBs are trained continuously on a seven module OG Business Management curriculum, an eighth module is dedicated to female OBs and FBO leaders.During the quarter, OBs were trained on three of the modules: 40 OBs on Marketing, Contract, and Contracts Negotiations, 124 OBs on Business Planning and Financial Management, and 55 on Outgrower Management.The OBs received training on marketing, contracting.