Master Meter means the meter controlled by the licensed distributor and used for settlement of the master bill with the master consumer;
Transit-oriented facility means a facility that houses a transit station in a manner that promotes transit ridership or passenger rail use.
Adult foster care facility means an adult foster care facility licensed under the adult foster care facility licensing act, 1979 PA 218, MCL 400.701 to 400.737.
Triage facility means a short-term facility or a portion
Rental Vehicle means a motor vehicle that is used for or by a person other than the owner of
Master Contract means the CATS Master Contract between the Maryland Department of Budget and Management andTO Contractor dated December 19, 2005.
Gross vehicle mass or "maximum mass" means the technically permissible maximum laden mass as declared by the manufacturer.
Deposit-type contract means contracts that do not incorporate mortality or morbidity risks and as may be specified in the valuation manual.
Unmanned aerial vehicle ("UAV") (9) means any aircraft capable of initiating flight and sustaining controlled flight and navigation without any human presence on board.
Alternative fuel vehicle means a vehicle designed to be capable of running on at least one type of fuel that is either gaseous at atmospheric temperature and pressure, or substantially non-mineral oil derived.
Aircraft means any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the reactions of the air other than the reactions of the air against the earth’s surface;
Supported Wage System means the Commonwealth Government System to promote employment for people who cannot work at full award wages because of a disability.
Rebuilt vehicle means any salvage vehicle which has been rebuilt and inspected for the purpose of registration and title;
Sub-meter means a metering point for electricity consumption that does not include all electricity consumption for the end-use customer as defined by the electric distribution company account number. PJM shall only accept sub-meter load data from end-use customers for measurement and verification of Regulation service as set forth in the Economic Load Response rules and PJM Manuals.
Insured location means:
a. The "residence premises";
b. The part of other premises, other structures and grounds used by you as a residence and:
(1) Which is shown in the Declarations; or
(2) Which is acquired by you during the policy period for your use as a residence;
c. Any premises used by you in connection with a premises in 4.a. and 4.b. above;
d. Any part of a premises:
(1) Not owned by an "insured"; and
(2) Where an "insured" is temporarily residing;
e. Vacant land, other than farm land, owned by or rented to an "insured";
f. Land owned by or rented to an "insured" on which a one or two family dwelling is being built as a residence for an "insured";
g. Individual or family cemetery plots or burial vaults of an "insured"; or
h. Any part of a premises occasionally rented to an "insured" for other than "business" use.
Residual Metered Load means all load remaining in an electric distribution company’s fully metered franchise area(s) or service territory(ies) after all nodally priced load of entities serving load in such area(s) or territory(ies) has been carved out.
Container means any portable device in which a material is stored, transported, treated, disposed of, or otherwise handled.
Portfolio Loss means the loss realized on either (i) a portfolio sale of Single Family Shared-Loss Loans in accordance with the terms of Article IV or (ii) the sale of a loan with the consent of the Receiver as provided in Section 2.7.
Bulk PMI Policy Not applicable.
Test Facility means any WRAS suitably accredited test laboratory;
Retail facility means a service station, convenience store or any other facility selling a PSTD regulated substance that is open to the general public.
Commercial vehicle means a motor vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer used or
Master Developer means a developer cooperating with a
Unmetered Load means electricity consumed on the Network that is not directly recorded using Metering Equipment, but is calculated or estimated in accordance with the Code;
Passenger car means every motor vehicle other than a motorcycle designed and used primarily for
Flex fuel vehicle means a vehicle with one fuel storage system that can run on different mixtures of two or more fuels.