Examples of Maximum enrollment in a sentence
Maximum enrollment allowed for course: Indicate the total number of students allowed to enroll in this course and the justification for that maximum.
The leader-to-participant ratio for each district workshop is as follows:• 8 to 25 participants = 1 leader• 26 to 36 participants = 2 leaders Maximum enrollment is 36 participants for all subject sessions.
Maximum enrollment shall be determined by the State of Michigan licensing and minimum enrollment at the discretion of the Board.
Consideration should be given to the size of the facility.(F) Trade and Industrial Education and TechConnect.(i) Maximum enrollment.
Maximum enrollment in a medication unit does not exceed 30 patients.[endstrikeout][begin underline] The primary NTP program sponsor shall submit an Initial Application Coversheet form DHCS 5014 (04/16) and supplemental written protocol to the Department to serve as an application to add a medication unit to the primary NTP license.
Maximum enrollment in a medication unit does not exceed 30 patients.
Maximum enrollment capacity = is determined by program resources, clinical resources and availability, and institutional support.
Maximum enrollment is to be determined by the Executive Board and approval of the Executive Committee.
Maximum enrollment in massage therapy practical classes is 24 students.
Maximum enrollment for each school has been determined by the Board of Education.