Examples of Mean ratio in a sentence
For each of the following, you’ll be drawing a line that is cut in Extreme and Mean ratio (i.e. the Golden Ratio).
Mean ratio (SD) of UDCA to DCA in aqueous and solid phase stool: baseline to posttreatmentAqueous phase Solid phaseaqueous phase stool.
Suppose we want to draw a line of length 6 that is cut in Extreme and Mean ratio.
Mean ratio is calculated by state (or state equivalent to match SRHS areas to MRFSS states) and then applied to the 1981-1985 MRFSS estimates to isolate the headboat component.
Mean ratio of EBL came higher than that of NSBIBL which means that EBL has the greater ability to repay the deposit i.e. EBL is more efficient to serve the customers from liquidity point vive.
Evidence – The evidence that is chosen for this intervention should be shown to the Outreach Coordinator during the monitoring visits.Action Steps – These should be benchmark steps to implement the intervention with fidelity.
This is the effect on the temporary change.For each firm, the average of the respective valuation ratio (Mean ratio) is computed.
Mean ratio between different ice water content retrievalsThe discussion of the IWC distribution in the previ- ous section focused on differences between IWC retrievals through their overall statistics.
Mean ratio of interest expenditure paid to deposit holder to total deposit is highest in case of NIC bank (3.82%) followed by EBL Bank (3.06%) and BOK ( 2.94%).
Mean ratio of daily TOC from Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) aboard of Earth Probe (EP) satellite divided by TOC from MTOPS and mean ratio of daily TOC from Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) aboard of Aura satellite divided by TOC from MTOPS is 0.960 and 0.990, respectively.