Medicare+Choice organization definition
Examples of Medicare+Choice organization in a sentence
For portions of cost re- porting periods occurring on or after January 1, 1998, the product derived in step one is multiplied by the propor- tion of the hospital’s inpatient days at- tributable to individuals who are en- rolled under a risk-sharing contract with an eligible organization under sec- tion 1876 of the Act and who are enti- tled to Medicare Part A or with a Medicare+Choice organization under Title XVIII, Part C of the Act.
In applying paragraph (1) in the case of a Medicare+Choice organization that is offering an MSA plan, paragraph (1) shall be applied by substituting covered lives for individuals.
The Secretary shall not permit the election under section 1395w–21 of this title of a Medicare+Choice plan offered by a Medicare+Choice organization under this part, and no payment shall be made under section 1395w–23 of this title to an organization, unless the Secretary has entered into a contract under this section with the organization with respect to the offering of such plan.
Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), a Medicare+Choice organization shall be orga- nized and licensed under State law as a risk- bearing entity eligible to offer health insur- ance or health benefits coverage in each State in which it offers a Medicare+Choice plan.
The Secretary may not enter into a con- tract with a Medicare+Choice organization if a previous contract with that organization under this section was terminated at the re- quest of the organization within the preced- ing 2-year period, except as provided in sub- paragraph (B) and except in such other cir- cumstances which warrant special consider- ation, as determined by the Secretary.
If the Medicare+Choice organization fails to establish and enforce procedures required under clause (ii), the organization is subject to intermediate sanctions under section 1395w–27(g) of this title.
A Medicare+Choice organization shall con- sult with physicians who have entered into participation agreements with the organiza- tion regarding the organization’s medical pol- icy, quality, and medical management proce- dures.
The Secretary is authorized to charge a fee to each Medicare+Choice organization with a contract under this part and each PDP sponsor with a contract under part D of this subchapter that is equal to the organiza- tion’s or sponsor’s pro rata share (as deter- mined by the Secretary) of the aggregate amount of fees which the Secretary is di- rected to collect in a fiscal year.
The Medicare+Choice organization that offers such a plan shall establish proce- dures, similar to the procedures described in section 1395w–4(g)(1)(A) of this title, in order to carry out the previous sentence.
The facility has a contract with the Medicare+Choice organization for the pro- vision of such services, or the facility agrees to accept substantially similar pay- ment under the same terms and conditions that apply to similarly situated skilled nursing facilities that are under contract with the Medicare+Choice organization for the provision of such services and through which the enrollee would otherwise receive such services.