Examples of Meeting of the Parties to the Convention in a sentence
Wishing to allow States situated outside the ECE region to become Parties to the Convention, the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention adopted a first amendment to the Convention (art.
Having considered the above, the Committee adopts the following findings with a view to bringing them to the attention of the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment for formal adoption, in accordance with paragraph 13 of the Committee’s structure and functions..
According to rule 16 of the rules of procedure of the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention (ECE/MP.EIA/2, annex I), which applies, mutatis mutandis, to the Meeting of the Parties to Protocol, the credentials of representatives of Parties, and the names of alternate representatives and advisers, are to be submitted to the secretariat if possible not later than 24 hours after the opening of the session.
The Implementation Committee shall consist of nine members, who shall serve in their personal capacity and objectively, in the best interest of the Convention.4. The members shall be persons with experience and recognized expertise in the fields related to the Convention, including legal and/or scientific and technical expertise.5. The members shall be elected by the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention from among candidates nominated by the Parties.
These Guidelines, which were adopted in 2013 by the 35th Consultative Meeting of the Parties to the Convention and the eighth Meeting of Parties to the London Protocol, are specific to dredged material.
Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, Report of the First Meeting, 12 Aug.
They explained that, as mandated by the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention at its seventh session (Minsk, 13– 16 June 2017), the Committee had prepared the draft decisions based on its review of draft decision VII/2 and taking into account the progress made before, during and after the seventh session (ECE/MP.EIA/23–ECE/MP.EIA/SEA/7, para.
ECOSOC, ECE, Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters, Compliance Committee, Report on the Seventh Meeting, Addendum 3: Findings and Recommendations with regard to compliance by Ukraine with the obligations under the Aarhus Convention in the case of Bystre deep-water navigation canal construction ¶¶ 1, 4, U.N. Doc.
Template - Please limit your completed form to 2 pages Proposal to host the tenth session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (Water Convention) I.
ECOSOC, ECE, Meeting of the Parties to the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters, Compliance Committee, Report on the Seventh Meeting, Addendum 5: Findings and Recommendations with regard to compliance by Turkmenistan with the obligations under the Aarhus Convention in the case of Act on Public Associations ¶ 16, ECE/MP.PP/C.1/2005/2/Add.5(Mar.