Member Generator definition
Examples of Member Generator in a sentence
With respect to Cooperative's provision of electric service to Member- Generator and the services provided by Cooperative pursuant to this Application and Agreement, Cooperative's liability shall be limited to claims, losses, costs and expenses that result from Cooperative's gross negligence or other willful misconduct, shown by clear and convincing evidence, in connection with the operation or maintenance of its electric distribution system.
Member-Generators adding additional capacity to a previously-approved system shall submit the Member Generator System Additional Capacity Interconnection Notice (“Notice”) for review and final approval according to the timelines based on size of the capacity addition in Section I above.
The Member Generator assumes all responsibility for the electric service supplied hereunder and the facilities used in connection therewith, at or beyond the Point of Interconnection.
The person or persons taking over operational control of Member-Generator’s System must receive written authorization from Cooperative before the existing Member- Generator System can remain interconnected with Cooperative’s electrical system.
While operating in parallel with the System, the Member Generator must provide a utility grade precision over/under frequency relay calibrated to trip for frequency excursions exceeding plus/minus 0.25 Hz for greater than 10 electrical cycles on a 60 Hz base.