Meter Identifier definition
Examples of Meter Identifier in a sentence
Please note that acronyms MIRN (Meter Installation Registration Number) and NMI (National Meter Identifier) are used in this document interchangeably.
Typically each Connection Point in the WEM is identified by a National Meter Identifier (NMI), but in some cases Western Power may treat a number of NMIs as a single logical Connection Point in an Access Contract.
Most participants struggled to understand more industry specific terminology such as ‘Distributed Energy Resources’ and ‘NMI’ (National Meter Identifier).
Meter numbers (National Meter Identifier or NMIs for energy) are attached to premises and not customers.
Here you’ll find your supply period, supply address and the National Meter Identifier or NMI.
Our obligation to supply and sell you energy and your obligation to pay for the energy consumed at your premises is not binding until the supply start date, which is at the point your unique National Meter Identifier (NMI) and or your unique Delivery Point Identifier (DPI)/Meter Installation reference number (MIRN) number/s have been successfully transferred to CovaU.
The charges apply to each UE owned metering installation (i.e. on a per National Meter Identifier (NMI) basis).
These data sets are stored linked to a physical location and unique National Meter Identifier (NMI).
The Market Operator has established a National Meter Identifier Allocation Procedure which is currently available for public consultation.
The following table sets out the indicative tariffs by charging parameter for our four tariffs available for customers with annual consumption of less than 750 MWh per annum.Table 9 <750 MWh per annum indicative tariffs (2019‐20) System Availability Charge[1] National Meter Identifier which is allocated to each customer’s connection.[2] The peak period rates apply to usage between 12 noon and 9:00pm on any weekday, including public holidays from 1 October through 31 March.