Metering Access Contact Information definition

Metering Access Contact Information means the Generator's contact information (or the contact information of its appointed representative) as notified to the CfD Counterparty for the purposes of enabling the CfD Counterparty to exercise the Metering Access Right, and which must:

Related to Metering Access Contact Information

  • Business Contact Information means the names, mailing addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers of a party’s personnel, officers and directors and, with respect to Client, such information regarding Client’s vendors and customers that Accenture may have access to in maintaining the parties’ business relationship.

  • Contact Information means information to enable an individual at a place of business to be contacted and includes the name, position name or title, business telephone number, business address, business email or business fax number of the individual;

  • Switched Access Detail Usage Data means a category 1101xx record as defined in the EMI iconectiv Practice BR 010-200-010.

  • Electronic and Information Resources Accessibility Standards means the accessibility standards for electronic and information resources contained in Title 1 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 213.

  • Customer Contact means the individual(s), whether a contract manager, category consultant or otherwise, who are to act for the Customer as the day to day point of contact for communications from the Contractor to the Customer in relation to the Contract, being the individual(s) identified in Section 2 of the Contract Schedule or otherwise notified to the Contractor from time to time;

  • Line Information Data Base (LIDB) means a transaction-oriented database system that functions as a centralized repository for data storage and retrieval. LIDB is accessible through CCS networks. LIDB contains records associated with End User line numbers and special billing numbers. LIDB accepts queries from other network elements and provides return result, return error, and return reject responses as appropriate. Examples of information that Account Owners might store in LIDB and in their Line Records are: ABS Validation Data, Originating Line Number Screening (OLNS) data, ZIP Code data, and Calling Name Information.

  • Installation Information for a User Product means any methods, procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because modification has been made.

  • internet access service means a publicly available electronic communications service that provides access to the internet, and thereby connectivity to virtually all end points of the internet, irrespective of the network technology and terminal equipment used.

  • Contact adhesive means a non-aerosol adhesive that: (i) is designed for application to both surfaces to be bonded together, and (ii) is allowed to dry before the two surfaces are placed in contact with each other, and (iii) forms an immediate bond that is impossible, or difficult, to reposition after both adhesive- coated surfaces are placed in contact with each other, and (iv) does not need sustained pressure or clamping of surfaces after the adhesive-coated surfaces have been brought together using sufficient momentary pressure to establish full contact between both surfaces. “Contact Adhesive” does not include rubber cements that are primarily intended for use on paper substrates. “Contact Adhesive” also does not include vulcanizing fluids that are designed and labeled for tire repair only.

  • Service Information means information concerning the Services provided by the Contractor to the Authority in accordance with Clause 32.1 for inclusion in the Authority's catalogue and/or any Beneficiary's catalogue from time to time;

  • Contactless means a payment feature that provides You with a way to pay by tapping the Card on a point–of–sale terminal reader for transactions of up to a specified limit.

  • Broadband Internet access service means a mass-market retail service by wire or radio that provides the capability to transmit data to and receive data from all or substantially all Internet endpoints, including any capabilities that are incidental to and enable the operation of the communications service, but excluding dial-up Internet access service. This term also encompasses any service that the State finds to be providing a functional equivalent of the service described in the previous sentence, or that is used to evade the protections set forth in this section.