Examples of MID Act in a sentence
Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (Corporation) was established in 1962 under the Maharashtra Industrial Development Act, 1961 (MID Act) with the main objective of securing and assisting in the rapid and orderly establishment and organisation of industries in industrial areas in the State.
His detention was deemed indefinite in so far as, in compliance with section 10 of the MID Act, “an accused found under this part to be not mentally fit to stand trial is presumed to remain not mentally fit until the contrary is found […]”.
Without s42(1) MID Act becoming overly prescriptive yet given the varying categories of impairment, it may be advantageous to make a range of persons available for inclusion on the Board.
These two definitions are mirrored in Part 3 Division 1 of the MID Act.
The MID Act must ensure extra access to services such as communication facilities aiding the comprehension, amongst other things, of medical and legal jargon.
As the MHA is narrower in scope than the MID Act the rights of mentally impaired defendants are better included in the MID Act for application to all mentally impaired defendants regardless of status or place of detention.Those mentally impaired defendants coming into existence under or for the purposes of the Prisons Act 1981 are also expressly excluded under s161 from accessing their records under s160 either personally or through a representative.
Human Rights and Social Justice Committee of the WA Association for Mental Health express concern over the lack of any requirement to review the MID Act.
This should be remedied by the creation of a case manager in the MID Act.
The Board and its role are noted in the constitution of the council and its powers and constitution is outlined in Appendix 2.
The MID Act provides for the powers and functions of the Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation, which include promotion and assistance in the rapid and orderly establishment, growth, and development of industries in the State of Maharashtra.