Examples of Military obligation in a sentence
He shall not earn the PCH for any Duty that is subsequently dropped, after the publishing of the Lines, due to his Military obligation.
An employee returning from fulfilling his or her National Guard or Military obligation shall be credited with the hours of service that would have been performed but for the period of military service.
The twelve month period for the calculation of FMLA need not be consecutive months; employment periods prior to a break in service of seven years or more will not be counted unless the break is occasioned by the employee’s fulfillment of his or her National Guard or Reserve Military obligation (as protected under the USERRA); or a written agreement exists concerning the County’s intention to rehire the employee after a break in service.
Military obligation means required annual training events, camps and meetings and may or may not, in accordance with applicable federal or state law, include camps and training sessions attended voluntarily.
Graduating in December: Resident must provide documentation 90 days prior to graduation.b. Military obligation: Resident must provide documentation immediately upon notification.c. Withdrawing: Resident must provide written notification of withdrawal to apartments@unk.edu.
In cases where the property owner is unable to attend a hearing due to being incapacitated and in cases where the property owner is unable to attend due to requirements of a United States Military obligation, the property owner may grant a Power of Attorney to another person to represent the owner’s interest at the hearing.
Table 5: Rehabilitation and RefurbishmentR thousandProgrammeProject StatusNo. of projects2015/162016/172017/18School - Primary - RehabSchool - Primary - smart classrooms School - Secondary - RehabSchool - Specialised - RehabSchool - Primary - Rehab School - Secondary - Rehab In the 2015/16 financial year, R421.2 million is allocated towards maintenance of schools; this is 16 per cent of the overall Education infrastructure budget.
Military obligation means required summer camps and meetings, and may or may not, in accordance with Federal Law, include camps and training sessions attended voluntarily.
If a member's recusal from reviewing an appeal leads to the number of members participating in the appeal review becoming less than three (one of which must have the appropriate legal qualification and practicing experience), the Chair shall issue a decision to replace the recused member with the alternate member.
Students incur Military obligation when they contract to become an officer and begin receiving scholarship benefits.Army ROTC CoursesMS101 Introduction to Officership MS102 Introduction to Leadership MS201 Innovative Tactical LeadershipMS202 Leadership in Changing Environments MS301 Leading Small Organizations IMS302 Leading Small Organizations IIMS401 Advanced Leadership and ManagementMS402 Military Professionalism and Professional Ethics 1.